Gamergate's color scheme is a rape joke



Blaming gamers or GamerGate for people that act like assholes is no better than saying video games caused some kid to shoot up his school. There are fucked up people in the world. End of discussion. We should blame the individual and not other things for their actions. Be courteous. Stick to the issue. Explore and discuss, don’t attack. But having said that, this article by Boing Boing is absolutely terrible and serves no real purpose other than being click bait and attracting more traffic to the website, the author should hang his head in shame really.

This isn’t about GamerGate versus Feminism or GamerGate versus equality/diversity in gaming. This about assholes being assholes. And those exist on both sides of this discussion. This whole thing needs to stop focusing on hashtags and start focusing on individuals who decide to be idiots, regardless of what banner they hide behind.

The issue is the “Social Justice Warriors” is aligned with the media, and they can spread whatever hyperbole they want and the rest of the media do nothing but copy and paste it without doing their own research and then forming their own opinion. I am guessing it won’t take long for them to latch onto the badly written and researched article and claim it as fact.

[P.S] I see Boing Boing deleted some of my posts in this thread, is the writer of this article now doing what Anita Sarkeesian is doing not allowing any type of discussion and deleting what they don’t find appropriate to your agenda. Like I said earlier before my post was deleted. Boing Boing is fast on it’s way to becoming another Kotaku/Gawker…

my point was that you ARE making assumptions, and they are WRONG assumptions. your personal incorrect assumptions != facts. no one here is inferring their own personal judgements from the image like you claim. people are discussing the historical usage of the image on another board as they understand it, NOT their own judgements. If you don’t understand that vast crucial difference, then I question your ability to understand the usage on /v/ at all. Especially if you’ve been here since the 90’s and think that BB users being homophobic is a fact. Also, your fellow /v/ members have VERY DIFFERENT explanations of that image and its use, but i’m getting used to shifting inconstant narratives on this subject by now. Please carry on…

No offense, I was referring to it being a newly minted account that had never commented before, and I gave you the benefit of the doubt as to just being unaware of BB’s pro LGBT rights stance, instead of just completely wrong, my mistake.

:trophy: your award sir…


Really? That’s the issue? And here I am thinking the issue is that gamergate was created for the sole purpose of ridiculing, harassing, and threatening a handful of women. What an idiot I’ve been. Believing all that evidence.

The gamergate people have stated their cause is about ethics in gaming journalism. Your post contradicts that. Do you speak for gamergate? Has their position changed?

If you do not speak for gamergate, why do you contradict their position? Do you know what their position is? Do you care?

Speaking of badly written … oh, wait … I’m not supposed to be an asshole. Sorry about that.


[sarcasm]hahahaha…getting people to involuntarily have sexual images in their heads against their will that they aren’t comfortable with and joking about everything being cancer is f’n hilarious. how dare people mistake that for rape culture.[/sarcasm]

I should just be quite now and get out of your way…never interfere with a man with a shovel that is digging his own hole.

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The point of the original image is to fuck with a group of people. In which case, it is entirely plausible that the GamerGate image serves the same purpose. To fuck with a group of people.


just going to acknowledge that i’ve read your latest comment, i didn’t want you think i wasn’t replying because i didn’t see it. thanks.

Oh I am not saying the ridiculing, harassment and threats don’t exist or is not happening. But really to be as ignorant and paint everyone who aligns them with gamersgate as being the basement dwelling neck beards who threaten these woman is rather close minded. The same type of ignorance that spawned this article, so please point out to me how I am contradicting their position? Assholes come in every colour and creed. And you find them in all walks of life. Be it in sports, games or religious groups, or anything else you can think of.Generalization of a group just does not work, ever. I am really over it being branded a Racist, Homophobic, Sexist and Misogynists gamer, when in fact the opposite is really true for myself and most gamers out there.

No one on either side condones when someone attacks another for whatever reason, no one on either side condones with doxxing people, calling them at their house and sending them death threats. The people who do this kind of shit are shameless scum of the earth knuckle dragger’s who don’t deserve to be called gamers. Problem is when we as the gaming community get painted with the same paint brush being called out on being Racist, Homophobic, Sexist and Misogynists. When in reality these people are in the minority. Videos get released and articles get written without making us part of the discussion blaming us for the world’s problems. That is not how you approach a discussion and then expect us not to be angry about it.

I did. It’s the first line of my post. The first sentence in the second paragraph explains why your post is a contradiction.

The author makes several claims. Which are not accurate?

It is really sad to see how anti-gamergate people are trying so hard to make this entire issue about anything other than journalism ethics that it actually just defies belief…And I am sad to say the list of websites I now follow and read on a daily basis is getting shorter and shorter. First it was Marry Sue followed by Kotaku and then Gawker Media network. And now Boing Boing with this utterly deplorable badly written click bait article claiming that the character Vivian James, created by 4Chan and The Fine Young Capitalists is in actual fact a rape joke. This has to be the most trumped up charges to have ever come from the Social Justice Warrior camp.

If you think that the character Vivian James was born out of a Piccolo Dick 4Chan meme of 4 years ago, then you need to stop using the internet. And if you think that the colour scheme of purple, green, and blue eludes too this inside joke created by 4Chan then I really feel bad for you. Objectively speaking the colours Purple, Green and Blue is what we call analogous colour. Basically colours that complement each other and creates a sort of harmony between them. This entire debate has turned into a shit throwing contest with both sides up to their necks in shit, no one is going to win this debate anymore. And we as gamers are going to walk away as the losers in all of this…

My entire “effort” has been to ask you simple questions. Questions you have ignored. Why? Are they really that difficult to answer?

What debate? You’ve offered nothing beyond grandstanding and personal opinions.

The idiot GamerGate people, including you, have failed to create a mission statement. The idiot GamerGate people, including you, have failed to create a call to action. Without those two things you’re left with a colorful logo, a never ending boycott list, and misdirected righteous indignation. In other words, GamerGate is hollow.

Don’t like it? Then get off your lazy ass and make it about journalism ethics. No one here is going to stand in your way. A few may even follow you.


Don’t let the door hit you in the arse on the way out.

Also … having read all of the comments, I now have a full bingo card!


A-typical response for pointing out a flawed article by the SJW brigade and their ilk, if I am an idiot for believing in the good of Gamergate what does it make you, someone who would believe in articles as this? Gullible? And what do you have? No opinion? Or are you taking what is being said in the article as fact? Because clearly it takes a giant leap of faith to connect the dots on this little tin foil hat theory that Boing Boing has going here.

Yeah seems to be a revolving door and each time I go out I step on some regurgitated SJW crap.

I don’t think you’ll find a lot of people who disagree with this. As I’ve said, gamergate is making “gamer” a bad word again at a time when playing games has become totally mainstream. I find it weird that you know this and come here to keep pushing it.

I think this will be the fourth time I’ve asked something like this, but could you tell me what this is about. “Ethics in games journalism” is not an answer - that means different things to different people (and many of the people here suspect it means “a smokescreen for misogyny”) - what would you like to be different. Imagine a perfect world where your personal goals for gamergate have been met and you feel like the whole thing has been successful. What would be different in that world from the world today?

And I’ll admit I’m not asking that question in a truly open and kind way. The more times I ask it and don’t get an answer, the more I feel like there is no answer. I keep hoping, though, that someone will actually have an answer.

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i’m glad to see you’re learning to use an avatar, even with your new accounts! welcome back!

as a nerd, i find the backstory of the colors super interesting! so it’s cool for some of us, even if not for you.

it’s easy. do everything you can to distance yourself from the folks in gamergate who harass, trolley, and threaten women.

as a gamer and SWR, i find the way you paint my SWJ cousins pretty vile.

at least, when people dismiss gamergate, they give a clear reason: the misogyny, harassments, and death threats supported by it’s members.

you seem to say the reason you hate on SWJ is because the media likes to report on them. that’s not very evil if you ask me.

there have been folks like Colbert and Stewart making basement dwelling gamer jokes – it sucks! but, until gg starts vocally denouncing the harassment, it’s gg itself which is making gamers look like regressive 12 year olds.

as far as i can tell, there’s no debate.

i think the world is waiting to hear something about ethics in game journalism from gg someday. not that anyone is truly holding their breath anymore.


Sorry for bringing this up again, but I hit a post-limit for new accounts last night and couldn’t reply then, so here goes if you are willing to play along and pretend I said this earlier:

“I probably have too much faith in law-enforcement. Maybe it’s due to cultural or legal differences of living in a different country, maybe not.
As a final note, I do apologize for my posts that have caused such upset. It truly was not my intent. If nothing else, I do hope you might forget what I’ve specifically written and just remember all of it as a poor, uneducated attempt at helping.”

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That’s… unlikely.

I think it’s a man with a drill.


It’s open-season now, isn’t it. Is there a limit?


I appreciate the history, and that definitely sounds like the sort of thing that would happen on internet message boards. I get that a thing can mean more than one thing and that for many or even most of the people posting this image and references to it, “rape” was not intended to be a punchline… I also tend to agree with others that the image itself without context looks like an act of violence. And it’s probably fair to call a joke that is made using the backdrop of rape a “rape joke.”

The reason I specifically wanted to ask if the image was intended to be rape or consensual sex is because there are people on here saying things like, “Why do you think homosexual sex is automatically rape?” and I find that very disingenuous. If someone came on and said, “Oh, the image was taken from a slashfic graphic novel and what you don’t see in the panels before is that they agree on a safe word to play out a fantasy that appears violent from the outside,” then I’d say, “Hey, we did jump to conclusions about rape,” and accept that it might not have been a rape joke (though even if that was its origin it still could be the case that many of the people posting it were making rape jokes, either unknowingly or intentionally omitting context). At any rate, I’m almost certain that isn’t true (and I’m almost certain there are slashfics out there where every possible combination of DBZ characters do have consensual sex).

I don’t really want to have a conversation about whether rape jokes are bad things. I think we can probably all just imagine that conversation in our heads and the reality of it wouldn’t be sufficiently different to actually go through it. But suffice to say, there are lots of people who don’t think it is appropriate to use rape as the backdrop of a joke to make a point. And I’m sure there are people out there who think it’s pretty funny to have gamergate people tweet an image that makes reference to a rape joke. I’m pretty sure that if someone who has no knowledge of the history here tweets an image of Vivian James then it’s not that there is no joke, it’s that the joke is on them.


I have a problem when a game developer Zoe Quinn sleeps (cheats on her spouse) around with 5 other people in the gaming media and then using that to get her game good review score and to get it green-lit on steam for release. I have a problem when the very same game developer takes a shit on another developers game causing it to be cancelled. I have a problem when this very same person lies about all of the above and tries to shift the blame. The entire TLDR version can be found here: And if you have some time here is a youtube video: But I am pretty sure the SJW crew will dismiss it as lies, they would rather post badly written articles like these. :wink:

The issue here is that gaming journalists and other media institutions are acting as if the mouth breathers who are sick enough to make threatening comments are the only pioneers behind GamerGate, like the whole agenda is a big misogynist circle jerk. It isn’t. Gamers like myself just want to have a gaming press that does not fuck around, and that message is conveniently absent from any and all articles addressing the issue. There are minorities on all sides of this ordeal issuing personal attacks so great job on them for generalizing and demonising an entire group and industry…