Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/01/21/gamon-jay-leacock-49-accused-of-sexually-assaulting-two-women-says-he-would-like-to-not-be-all-over-the-news.html
This has to be one of the worst examples of the Streisand Effect.
And people in hell want ice water, but it ain’t gonna happen.
It’s reasonable to ask why defendants don’t have a right to anonymity before trial.
I’m sure the cop-media complex is happy to attach that question to cases like this, rather than cases where a trial isn’t just a formality, and the cops aren’t necessarily 100% right. I mean, if that ever happened.
" We try our criminals in the press. Justice is a fading light."
Sheryl Crow
Well, hey, Gamon. we would like that too, a lot. But there you are, and it ain’t like you asked us…
considering how often a life is ruined by just accusing someone i can understand this in general
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