Gardening, Part 2

Didn’t find any bananas in the woods :person_shrugging: :sweat_smile:


We had our last frost 2 weeks ago. Today, we hit 90 and expect high 80s the rest of the week. There is no Spring, cool weather crops have no hope. Ah, well, peppers and eggplants love it, so there is that.


I Feel ya. I thought I was getting my Bok Choy started early enough to avoid a quick bolt this year. Had frost advisories last week (not enough to actually damage the peppers and basil I already had out), and today it is 89… Maybe I can get a quick harvest in this fall.



Time to bring the transplants outside


I pointed out to my wife that today was World Wide Naked Gardening Day, she said you first.

And so end’s naked gardening day.

We picked up 25 bags of topsoil to freshen up the flower beds and turn them all in.

Then we hit up the fancy pants garden center for lots of flowers.

We used to go to a big local greenhouse but they started putting up political signs and their service went way down.

The place we go to now is huge and a little pricey but every single employee knows things and are very helpful.

We also have a bunch of 10 gallon potting bags that will get planted with vegetables and flowers.

Those will come in a couple weeks from Flower Day at Eastern Market in Downtown Detroit. That’s a mother daughter thing, too many people for me

Eastern Market was just voted the number two outdoor market in there country.

We love Detroit.

Vinca between the rocks, those will get bigger than the rocks and fill out nicely.

You can’t see it very well but under the hydrangea tree is a bunch of vinca minor ground cover that should fill in nicely.

These are double impatiens, they will get a lot taller and fill in the entire area, won’t even be able to see the ground once they take off

We’re trying again with the vinca minor under the tree. We lost a bunch to the cats through the winter. This time we’re trying some repellent to keep them out.

And the memorial garden is off to a good start.


I just dug out all my vinca minor today and have it in pots. It quickly gets out of control. Maybe one of the neighbors will take it all.


I am intensely jealous you can grow hydrangeas


The two places we have it are pretty well contained to keep it in one place, we hope.

My wife really likes the purple flowers.

But, sheesh, is that stuff expensive. 50 bucks a flat.

Are you going with a different ground cover?


My wife is in charge of those. I can’t get passed how woody they look coming out of winter but they always fill out.

We did just add some holy tone fertilizer to get the blue flowers back, they used to be really blue. When I tested the soil it need more acid.

We used to have a rose of sharon tree in the front but a bad storm took it out several years ago. The Pinky Winky hydrangea tree was a birthday gift for my wife.

That’s doing really well.


It had been in some pots but escaped into my flower beds. I’m just putting down compost in its place and planting sunflowers.


Just planted sunflowers and artichokes here. Seems early, but looks like we are done with cool nights, soooo…


mangoes are making now and if all goes well, we should get double what we got last year from this tree. (which, honestly, is still not much. the tree is only five years in the ground, but growing well.)
also spent the day in the garden. first cutting the remaining arugula and turning the bed. picked cayenne and jalapenos, then transplanted more jalapenos and fish peppers to the bed that had all the greens.
starfruit tree is already blooming again! what have i done, planting a starfruit tree?! i had no idea how prolific this thing can be!


Yeah it’s nuts. I just planted tomatoes and peppers outside. I think this is the earliest ever.


Some volunteer plants poking up.



Carrots. I tried growing them in bags last year to no avail, so I dumped the compost into the flower beds. I now have around a dozen carrots growing in the flower beds.



Preliminary results on my lettuce and herb towers are encouraging. That’s about all i can say for now, but it is that.



Next is to see if i can direct seed the rest, or if i need to grow plugs first.


So… what’s the point of growing them like that? :thinking: Is it a room thing or something else?


Partly room, partly to get them out of the way of slimy pests, and partly to see if i can. If we are being honest, mostly that last one!
Those beds you can see behind them are were i used to grow lettuce, but Carrie wanted more flowers, so now irises, lilies, glads and nasturtiums.


I would consider this kind of planting just to avoid Bun Alerts in my garden!