General Sportsball thread

[The Japanese Sensei Bringing Baseball to Brazil - The New York Times (]


It is worth pointing out that they are considering increasing the squad size for the European championship, to 26, so there will never be a reason for someone to legitimately wear that monstrous sigil. There will be no number 44s playing for any team.

It’s not American football where they go up to three digits or something.


In the states you can buy any jersey with any name or number on it.

Also, do they retire numbers? In most US sports, numbers get retired from time to time to honor someone. The NY Yankees have 21 retired numbers.

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The Chiefs have signed a rugby player. He is, apparently, already the fastest player in the NFL now. His dad was a big fan of American football, and he’s going to give it a shot.


This is for national teams in an international competition so I’m pretty sure they would need to be continuous. So 1-24 unless they expand them to 26. It would be kind of weird to retire a number from a World Cup or Euro squad.

Adidas might be assholes but they are not going to sell a German jersey with 44 and some… historical figure shall we say written on it. The article was then warning people not to alter them themselves.

Rough time to be a Welsh rugby supporter. He was their biggest and brightest star before he quit.


sailor moon transformations GIF


I doubt the people who would order that number would worry about legitimacy.

That the numeral would get past so many partners in the design and approval stage without some flicker of recognition is hard to credit.

I’m no theologian, but isn’t it a big no no in Islam to give or receive a bribe?


It’s a big YES! YES! MORE! For Al Saud though.

In more Kansas City sports news, the people of Kansas City yesterday strongly rejected a plan to increase taxes to pay for a new downtown stadium for the Royals and a major renovation to Arrowhead Stadium for the Chiefs. The proposal was defeated 58% to 42%. As much as I love both teams and Kansas City, I’m proud of the people of my former home for saying no to that. It’s possible the Royals could be lured to a new city now, but I’m glad the people are refusing to pay for this stuff.

ETA: One of my major objections to the plan was the location of the new stadium. It would have been in the Crossroads, which is currently the center of the Kansas City arts district. It would have displaced a lot of businesses and artists who wouldn’t easily be able to find new homes for what they do. And what they do is important. Art matters as much as sports to a city’s cultural identity.


What were they even thinking with that proposal? They certainly weren’t thinking about traffic, that’s for sure.


The EFA have decided that most English leagues have to finish by April 20. This is causing some problems.

Colne have to play at least 9 games in two weeks. Their players are part time and have other jobs which probably won’t give them time off. Charnock Richard and Truro City are in a similar situation.


ETA: Colne vs Charnock Richard was postponed again yesterday, so make that 10 games in two weeks. The game has been rearranged for 17 April.



Storm Kathleen might put paid to Saturday’s game.

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