Generic 2016 US Election Cycle Recycling Bin

[quote=“daneel, post:4, topic:65103”]
I can’t take Lessig seriously, and I’d really rather he didn’t siphon funds and votes away from Sanders. I hope he doesn’t get to his $1M target. Only a few days left.
[/quote]I think he’ll probably get it. I’ve thought from the beginning that some of the corrupt money behind Hillary Clinton will ironically end up in Lessig’s coffers in hopes he’ll act as a spoiler against Bernie Sanders.

@doctorow : If you #FeelTheBern & want to make sure Pres Sanders can pass his agenda, donate to help @lessig

Cory is terribly misinformed on this.

Lessig’s campaign will NOT help Sanders or anyone else to pass any agendas. Lessig will only make it more likely that Hillary will win and set all of Lessig’s own agendas backwards along with many other vital progressive agendas Americans desperately need enacted.

The ROOT of the problem is obstructionist Republicans and bluedog Democrats that are desperately blocking reform and becoming further entrenched with every election that progressives throw away to corporatists.

Lessig doesn’t grasp the massive grassroots dynamic in 2015 that will work symbiotically with Sanders in 2016 and beyond to unseat obstructionist Republicans and bluedog, establishment Democrats. And, frankly, nor does Cory understand this and that’s a damn shame.

The fact that Lessig has said that he would make Warren his VP and resign to make her president shows how absolutely ridiculous and misinformed he’s being here. Warren isn’t running for president in 2016 due to the fact she needs to garner more foreign policy experience first. Lessig running in 2016 isn’t going to magically change that reality.

Lessig should step down from his ivory tower and educate himself on the grassroots dynamic that surrounds Bernie Sanders and how it’s already working and will work after 2016. The air is obviously getting too thin up there and he’s incredibly light-headed.

@doctorow, please finally read this: