Originally published at: Gentleman ignores warnings not to drive golf cart, ends up with a doozy of a face plant | Boing Boing
I’m a heartless POS and at this point I just have to embrace it. I laughed hard when that dude ate it.
As someone who has attended many company golf outings, I can attest that this is more the norm than the exception.
Put a bunch of people on a golf course that don’t know what they’re doing, add in alcohol, and you get carts in lakes, carts ejecting golfers, flying clubs, damaged cars, etc.
It’s all part of the experience!
Great smiling woman photo bomb at the end. She seems to enjoy the results.
Palm trees, golf carts…was this in the Villages?
I’ve seen unfortunate vids of people ending up hurt, and vids that have been photobombed… but never combined until now.
Won’t somebody please think of the flowers?!
I’m gonna admit that I’ve done something just as stupid, but also when sober.
Guarantee he won’t remember this. But his relatives are glad to have this on video.
aw, boomer went boom
It’s always the Villages.
Add a red MAGA hat, and you’ve got comic gold right there.
I’m not sure, but it’s so representative of the residents that the Villages could use it in their marketing videos.
Aww, they cut this one short. He’s supposed to call out, “Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”, and then it switches to a Life Alert agent who says, “We’ve contacted paramedics and your family, Mr. Trump.”
I’m willing to bet he did not feel a thing … until the next day.
I was gonna say, is that the former guy?
Not with mountains in the background. I’m thinking Palm Springs.
It wasn’t until after he crashed that his friends decided to take away the keys.
dunno –– didn’t see a single friend in that crowd.