Originally published at: Gentleman owns the libs by burning his daughters' $3,500 Olivia Rodrigo tickets | Boing Boing
She probably had a backup copy saved to a sd card she hid away from that weirdo lol
So, you’re meant to spread, and possibly suffer serious repercussions (up to and including death) from an easily preventable disease…
If he really wanted to prove his dedication he would open up the Ticketmaster app on his smartphone and then toss the device into the fireplace.
In any case, I’m sure Ms. Rodrigo appreciates the $3,500 donation.
$3,500? The scalper he bought from is the one who appreciates it
Let’s just assume it was not Covid his daughter had to either show a vaccination for or a negative test for, but bubonic plague, or leprosy, or (insert long list of ‘old’ diseases people are glad are no longer around in the general population).
Would he want his daughter to go to a venue where anyone could have walked in with bubonic plague? Well, would he?
(Actually, I’m guessing he would.)
The cautiously optimistic part of me hopes that all this dotard theatre will give rise to an echo boom of youth who vote left simply because they were held familial hostage. But then, Stockholm Syndrome is a thing too.
Dude, you could be doing better work fighting for bodily autonomy if you’d please support pro-choice or trans folks right now.
Questions the proof of vaccination requirements, but fine spending $3,500 on a flavour of the month.
That is some serious coin.
He can print another copy. I’d be willing to bet that the printing step is wholly unnecessary, as phone screens can still be scanned.
So the venue became slightly safer, incrementally less crowded, with a lower concentration of assholes, and an obnoxious chucklehead with money to burn is out $3500. Win, win, win, win.
ETA: And his daughter learned, if she hadn’t known, that her dad is not someone to emulate.
Performative nonsense, for attention.
Tickets are digital.
It’s tax right off…
So what you’re saying is, he should set his phone on fire.
unless it’s also backed up in the cloud. Phones cost less than 3500.