Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/12/05/george-zimmerman-is-suing-tray.html
This suit should be thrown out without much delay.
Of course, Zimmerman should have long since been thrown in prison, so…
Sounds like maybe it’s time for him to stand his ground against himself
I could live the rest of my life happily, without ever hearing this guys name. What a waste of oxygen.
He’s a suing machine.
Judicial Watch got its start in 1994 as the brainchild of Larry Klayman, a public interest lawyer who emerged from President Reagan’s justice department to become a perennial thorn in the side of a whole host of liberal luminaries. Klayman’s brand of legal aggression was and is relentless. During his tenure, Judicial Watch launched 18 lawsuits against the Clinton administration.
Klayman no longer leads Judicial Watch, and he didn’t leave peaceably. In fact, he sued the organization he founded, targeting its current president, conservative media activist Tom Fitton. Memorably, Klayman also sued his own mother. (He’s also a birther, by the way.) But while Klayman’s no longer at the helm, Judicial Watch hasn’t let up on its pointed political attacks. Among its many controversial investigations, several concern “voter fraud,” a term often masking efforts to disenfranchise voters of color.
The real puzzle here is why this piece of ambulatory garbage hasn’t yet been offered an appointment to head up the EEOC.
Instead of giving that pond scum any more attention, donate to Trayvon’s mom, Sybrina Fulton, who is currently running for Commissioner in Miami-Dade County, Florida.
in order to promote a movie
To combat this fellow, wouldn’t it be better not to spread stories about him at all and let him be forgotten, rather than chasing after outrage clicks?
Christ, what an asshole.
Do you think there’s a lot of overlap between this guy’s movie’s audience and the readership here?
If Mr. Zimmerman isn’t careful, he’s going to develop a reputation as a bit of a cad.
I really feel like Zimmerman is the living quintessence of the culture that has been built up by Fox, Limbaugh, et al. over the past several decades. For him, not only is the cruelty the point, but the total self-abjection. He is the ideal Trump voter, for whom moral self-debasement has been defined as a power move.
Somebody’s gonna shoot this guy and then claim they were only standing their ground, and they feared for their life. But in this case, it would be legitimate.
That would be fitting.
That boy needs to get into politics, and I know just who he needs for his running mate:
“Zimmerman-Shkreli 2024 – Mega-Assholes Grifting Again”
It’s the Republican dream ticket, frankly.
Thank you for the link, it allowed me to do something other than be outraged I have to share a planet with George Zimmerfucker
I thought of a very different Klayman when I read his name.
In case you don’t recognize the image, he’s from a delightful video game called The Neverhood.
Glad I’m not the only one. I thought “I know Doug TenNappel went a bit derechista in more recent years but this seems a bit much.”
Someone suggested the interesting legal point that it was actually the Martin family’s emotional response that left them open to legal liability. For example, when you say things like “GEORGE ZIMMERMAN MURDERED TRAYVON MARTIN,” it conflicts with the legal determination of the courts. You have to be careful in case someone takes your words out of context and thinks you might be implying that GEORGE ZIMMERMAN MURDERED A CHILD. So the only way to protect yourself is to never say things like, “GEORGE ZIMMERMAN IS A MURDERER.” Or for another example, that: “GEORGE ZIMMERMAN STALKED AND MURDERED AN INNOCENT CHILD FOR THE CRIME OF BEING BLACK BECAUSE HE IS A RACIST COWARD.” You could get sued for that.
Fortunately, one can say “George Zimmerman is a homicidal piece of shit” all one wishes. Because he inarguably committed homicide.