Georgia 6th graders asked to design nazi mascot^tfw&

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Either @ironyispoison and his compatriots do not understand the 35-year history of the Wolfenstein brand, or they’re disappointed the developers didn’t go with the “Dialogue 3D” gameplay concept instead:


Or just a skull.

A Red Skull.


I can’t say that I would expect this particular assignment to go well; but the former explanation actually wouldn’t surprise me.

Back in middle school(not sure if it was 6th grade; maybe a year or two later); we did the “Facing History and Ourselves” curriculum to cover the genocidal bits of WWII; and I remember the message very much being “So, the point of this is that it isn’t ‘And here is the story of some cartoonishly evil people utterly dissimilar from us whose motives can be blithley dismissed as insanity’; but ‘actually, it was mostly downright unremarkable people not especially unlike those you would find in another time and/or place; and things went very, very, badly’; perhaps we should poke at how this could happen?”

We had one assignment where we read about some death squad(one of the relatively low end ones, I think, regular army or local auxiliaries of some flavor, not SS) that was assigned to shoot a bunch of civilians, which they proceed to start doing without much comment or disquiet; but when a couple of the men start playing a game where one throws an infant and the other tries to catch it on his bayonet, the CO flips out at them, orders them to stop, generally dresses them down. The assignment was to attempt to explain why the rest of the operation(which would have included killing the infants anyway, just not as boisterously) did not appear to bother him at all; but that detail did.

A “So, how would you sell this ideology; and why would you do it that way?” assignment seems very much in line with the (noble and correct, if probably tricky to teach to middle schoolers) attempt to convey the fact that part of what is scary about real evil is that it doesn’t take cartoon villains; or necessarily even all that much overt coercion of the bulk of more or less morally average people.


The joke is Shiloh Middle, I’m afraid.


As much as I don’t think that this was necessarily the goal (because Georgia…), this isn’t a bad point.

I went to a very small school as a kid that was fairly progressive, and we did a lot of these immersive types of learning projects (we did design a game around mesopotamian farming [which I get is not “pretend that you’re a Nazi”]). I’m not sure that 6th graders are quite mature enough to really “get it” that evil isn’t necessarily the insanely different thing that most of us would like to believe. That evil can be insidious. That evil people can be perfectly “normal” in other aspects of life. That evil can be the oh so human ability to compartmentalize things and ignore very crucial bits of information. Teaching this lesson could be a very important one for perhaps older kids that could truly internalize the lesson that you have to be aware of your own tendencies towards evil and have to not be willing to cooperate with any level of evil.

That being said, given the current political climate here in 'murica, and the location, I’m not sure that this is what was happening until I get more info on the situation.


Yeah…I think this probably crosses the line between ‘educational’ and ‘making nazism seem ok’ or you know…brainwashing.

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Wasn’t it a kind of weird-looking frog or something? Rere, or CovFefe or something?


Right?! I kind of felt horrible for thinking to myself “You know, this is a horrible thing, but I’m kinda curious what they came up with.”

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This is my submission. I named it “brown shit”:


That gave me an idea. The NRA’s Eddie Eagle mascot (see below) already has the right(-wing) attitude for the job and just needs a cosmetic makeover. Switch his feather colours to all-feldgrau, switch out the white “E” with a black swastika on his red shirt. Re-name him “Adolph Adler” and we have a mascot Dr. Goebbels would love.


I was thinking of something very similar, but I call mine “Shitler.”



Can somebody draw a Hitlersaurus.

Teenage Mutant Nazi Turtles?
Horrifying anyway.


It’s pretty dismaying to see how many Americans (and, to be frank, people from all over Europe and from the rest of the world too) there are who clearly were down on Nazis only because it was socially expected of them, and now that the corrupt fascist toad in the White House is legitimizing this shit, they’re all dropping the facade of being reasonable people.


Man you guys would all fail the assignment. Nobody would get this in 1935.

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Before I dropped out of my history course because of ill health, I was taught about the British Union of Fascists and the myth of “fascism can’t happen here” that Britain keeps telling itself.

I did go to Ruskin College though, which historically is very left wing and has a history of siding with the town in Town and Gown disputes despite being created as a way to get the working classes into the University of Oxford.



Here’s mine!

Hugo Boss designed their uniforms!