Geraldo Rivera's awkward encounter with Larry David is "Curb Your Enthusiasm"

Weighing Options Are You Sure GIF

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homer simpson GIF

Also… I seem to remember him giving some air time to some seriously awful people, like Tom Metzger’s awful band of fascists - some of the same assholes who killed Mulugeta Seraw


Seems to me he’s always promoted himself as an “investigative journalist” but I’m still skeptical of that claim… but if you can point to his work on corporations, by all means! I’m not familiar with that, just with this sensationalism masquerading as journalism.


More needy of… everything!.… with the passing years perhaps — and the good side didn’t provide enough?

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It was long before he had that stupid show. He worked for 60 Minutes, if Memory serveth.


Hmmm… let’s see…

So, not 60 minutes, but still some solid work in the late 70s, but that seems to have gone by the wayside by the 80s, which is when I remember him… :woman_shrugging: I guess the siren song of fame and money is too much for some?


Same here; I remember him as a sleazy sensationalist tabloid tv host, and it only got worse from there as time passed.


Toldja dinos were still walkin’ the Earth! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah, guess he got greedy. So sad. He’d been so good. tophat-cry


JMHO: Without the high-rating, earth-shaking fireworks of Willowbrook, GR would have remained how he started out – as a liberal-leaning activist lawyer.

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Yep, like @anon94804983 I totally remember him doing solid investigative work on Nightline and 20/20 in the 70s. Then the siren call of Studio 54 harkened and the dude became insufferable.




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