Geraldo scolds Orlando victims: "For God's sakes, fight back!"

Srsly? The hijackers had box cutters, not military grade select fire rifles with high-capacity magazines.


I think the point is valid. Active shooter training (funded and designed by the government) basically says the same thing.
The current thinking is Escape, Evade, Engage.

DHS Active Shooter How to Respond

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Fuck off Geraldo.

You’re not useful. You’re part of the problem.


I heard on NPR that the club was quite small, basically a bar with a random dance floor. The fact that there were three hundred people in it meant it was pretty much packed shoulder to shoulder. So crowded that escape was almost impossible, and fighting back? It would be laughable if it weren’t so sad.


The major difference(aside from the hijacker’s limited armament) is that on a plane you can’t run for the exit; and even if you can hide it won’t make a bit of difference because everybody dies if the plane crashes(usually, for commercial aviation altitudes).

In a school, club, mall, office, etc. the building probably isn’t going anywhere; and both escape and concealment are options depending on the exact layout and your position relative to the shooter.

Obviously, I’m all for attempting to melee a shooter if the opportunity presents itself: sometimes guns jam, people turn their back at the wrong time, whatever; and if you have the chance taking it is certainly commendable and sometimes probably even the lowest-risk option.

However, there’s a pretty major difference in the risk calculus between a sealed environment where there are no escape options and everybody dies if the attacker takes and holds the cockpit and an environment with possible exits where only people who the attacker identifies and shoots die.


Jesus, what an absolute cunt.

I agree with every point here. Meaning that conceal, hide, and flee in this instance were most likely the best choice for survival for most of the people in harms way.

My point in comparing the two is simply that we praise the FIGHT in the case of U93; so dismissing it in instances like this shouldn’t be an automatic reaction.

At this moment, you are just as useful as Giraldo.


Mostly because none of us were there. Next time you’re in a packed, dark, loud nightclub – minutes from closing and filled with people who would fail a sobriety test, picture a gunman busting through. And then imagine how you’d fight back.

Edit: I guess it’s ok to ask the question “Why didn’t they fight back?” but the answer is pretty clear.


And then imagine the long list of assholes telling you how you should have reacted, if you survived, and saying that for God’s sake why didnt you do your best John McClane impersonation while people around you were dying.


Again, Fox.


Projection, eh?

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I didn’t say “an AR-15 with a typical magazine.” I said “an AR-15 fitted with a high capacity magazine.” I have no idea if that’s what the killer actually used, but it’s completely feasible to slaughter upwards of 50 people without reloading.


So why the fuck is he shaming the people who tried “escape” and “evade” first?

For all we know the floor was littered with unarmed heroes who tried—and died—attempting the “engage” part. I’m sick of Geraldo and all the keyboard cowboys who state with utter confidence that if they were in that situation they would have been braver than any of the hundreds of people who were present at the scene.


The question you didn’t ask is if I have in fact been in such a situation. As an ex soldier who has been in combat…the answer is yes, I would. But as a father of 3, if my kids were there my priority would be getting them to safety. So, as is normally the case with any situation the reality is it depends, right?

Again. I think Geraldo is asking a valid question…his timing is terrible. This isn’t when you ask that. After some healing…then ask it, and not like this “Why didn’t they fight back?” no no. That assumes they didn’t at all, or that they even could. Instead ask, “In situations like this is fight potentially a better option than flight?” And spark the conversation that way.

What he did was allow focus on the wrong part of the point and undermine the value that can be had in the discussion.


One of the most underrated of the Zucker brothers films!

You’ve been drunk in a packed night club when a shooter with high powered weapons opened fire on the crowd?


Answer my question first, and I’ll consider replying to your derailment attempt.



This isn’t about me. It’s not about other people and how they are replying to you. It’s not about your claims of having military training or being a father.

All of that is irrelevant to my query, which was really straightforward.

And yet you still have not answered my question.

You made a point to someone else about whether you’ve been in that same situation, so I asked you directly, and I will again:

You’ve been in a crowded night club, when someone opened fire on the crowd, many of whom had been drinking?

Because I have; more than once, unfortunately.

Sadly, I saw a classmate get shot in college, and I saw how it changed his life forever.

I guess the ‘silver lining’ is that in the incidents I endured, the assailants used handguns as opposed to high powered weaponry.

But by all means, do keep trying to divert the discussion to yourself and how you’re being “mercilessly trolled.”[quote=“anon61833566hunter, post:110, topic:79702”]
I dont give a god damn about the reaction of a bunch of forum comments from people

You sure about that, dude?

Because you seem kind of upset.