Reminds me of one of the coolest academics I ever came across. Worked as a curator in a quite renowned museum. Brought shitloads of Actinida fruits from his gardens and gave them away for free. Oddly, museum staff usually didn’t indulge themselves. Students, of course, did.
He was quite liked by everybody, and regularly had social gatherings at his house, especially in the gardens. Rumor had it that on one of those, he was asked about his unusual toilet which used some kind of underpressurised valve to suck everything away.
He explained that he conducted it so he could shoot his fecal matter underground into his gardens and proudly stated that especially his kiwis profited from the compost fertilizer.
I’m allergic to kiwi, but after the disgusted faces of some fellow students I was really tempted to take some. Just because.
Sidenote on topic: In Russia, poo snake doesn’t grow kiwis. Poo snake surely grows Psilocybe…