I stand corrected even I cant imagine why either of the first two businesses would have stickers, especially considering the descriptions of their proprieters. Also the Japanese characters are wrong for Chatsubo, should be 茶壷. That is a lazy mistake even for those that dont speak Japanese as it is easily obtained from your favorite search enjine. The last business name I dont recall from the books.
EDIT: why in the world would both Ono Sendai and Hosaka stickers be on there together?
I reread them every now and then to enjoy the atmosphere and writing style.
I really do love stuff like this- I grew up reading a lot of those books, and the idea of having an Odi-Sendai deck… yeah, that’s pretty cool.
I’ve got an Intelli-Secure sticker on my car. Maybe I’m just a dork.
What’s funny, to me, is that the raspberry pi is an utterly superior computer to any commercially available personal computer, up until…I don’t know…1999, maybe?