Glitchy fruits and people abound in Yello's "Out Of Sight" video

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Yello hold a special place in my heart. Some time in the early 2000s I remember my wife and I waking up in our tent in the morning at a rave. “Oh yeah” was playing at the stage, and there were 4 cracked out looking ravers still dancing. It sounded amazing and I really had to hand it to the stalwart “10am and still dancing” crew. I thought at the time it was a remix but after re-listening to the song - nope, it really sounds that good loud through big speakers.


Nice - cool vibes, and the vid had shades of William Latham’s ‘Organic Art’, evolutionary pieces from the late '80s, early '90s:

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2’40” of utter awesomeness. Dieter Meier’s wine and steaks are pretty awesome too…

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Now I have another thing to add to my Zürich bucket list. Thanks!

And yeah, I am an old school Yello fan, and have played Stella and Flag to death (literally, my cassettes died more than once, meaning I needed to copy from CD again)

Don’t expect Ruth’s Chris-style slabs of cow: at Ojo de Agua it’s all about the quality. No fries either…

Considering that the highlight is the tartare, I wouldn’t expect any Pommes.

Old tyme Yello fan here. Just wanted to point people to

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