God of Death deployed to enforce railway laws in India

Even furious?


Perhaps that would be the Erinyes. You don’t even mention them if you don’t have to.


How bout, it’s none of your business whitey.

No one wants to be groped by the God of Death.

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The first rule of the Yamraj club is you don’t wanna get hit with the Yamraj club.

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Is that really fair?

I asked the question I asked specifically because I was not sure and wanted to know whether this was an instance of a cultural commonplace of religious origin or an explicitly sectarian usage(analogous to wondering if it’s more of a ‘Santa’ thing or a ‘nativity scene’ thing); I specifically wanted to avoid just making the assumption.

As for the concern; is a general concern about state agents implicitly or explicitly endorsing a majority religion(at a time when the country in question is under the leadership of a party with some unpleasant history in that area) really unacceptable cultural imperialism unless you are ethnically appropriate for comment? Do I get to comment on cases on the other side of the Mason-Dixon line from me? Cases involving foreign white people but not other ethnicities? None; because it’s all our equally valid culture, man?


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