Good news for high-frequency masturbators

Use it or lose it.

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4-7 ejaculations per month at age 20-29 may be a symptom of an underlying medical problem.


so, 21 times a month is considered High Frequency? hmmm… cough I see.

I would be utterly unsurprised if this is tried; but it seems like a poor strategy: since the paper covers the positive prostate health effects of masturbation, and having sex would be expected to reduce masturbation frequency (at a minimum, by replacing masturbatory episodes ~ 1 for 1, potentially more than that); a “Ah, well, I wouldn’t want you to get sick or anything, so I’ll just leave you to it, for your health…” dismissal comes standard.

Anyone it does work on is either not so sharp, or as just looking to be persuaded in any case (the latter, at least, is fine; but also lowers the bar for what works, since the actual argument is largely orthogonal, though points for cleverness are still possible.

The vast majority of them. I have a vague recollection that androgen-insensitive XY humans have an atypically bad time with their male reproductive anatomy in terms of ‘becoming cancerous and trying to kill them’. Not sure if this is me misremembering, a consequence of the androgen insensitivity, or because people rarely check testicles they don’t know they have for abnormal growths.


TIL that Complete Androgen Insensitivity in 46,XY humans is a thing.

I knew of chromosomal variations like Klinefelter’s Syndrome (47,XXY) which can be expressed phenotypically as mostly normal male anatomy (with a lot of variation in how they’re expressed), and Turner’s Syndrome (45,X) which is both genetically and phenotypically expressed as female. But I didn’t know there were 46,XY males who phenotypically express as totally female due to androgen insensitivity.

Man genes are interesting.

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Tell that to Human Resources; “Really, this is all part of our wellness program!”

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It’s not just “man” genes

After I had posted I thought of a different exception - I cannot remember what they do with the prostate during gender reassignment surgery but I suspect that is another category of prostate susceptible female masturbators.

First off, a tip 'o the hat to Edward Giovannucci, who seems to be the sole weight-puller in this study… ; -)

Secondly, can we really believe these numbers? The one stat I keep in mind – as a cautionary item – about male masturbation is this: A recent study that interviewed over 1,500 men reported that 95% of all men age 14 - 58 masturbate at least twice a week; the other 5% were lying.


A lesser risk. The Skene’s glands of females are the homolog of the prostate gland of males.

Technically, the “man” genes are there, just crossed into a X chromosome.

Essentially, if there is a mechanism or biochemical pathway, there is a syndrome associated to its malfuction - “if it can break it will” applies to biochemistry as well as to engineering. (As long as the malfunction is compatible with survival. Otherwise it’s Just Another Spontaneous Abortion.)

If some signalling molecule is involved, the associated malfunction can be both in its production or in the ability to receive the signal, the associated receptor (or anywhere in the related pathway; break any of the dependencies and the whole subsystem fails).

###Good news everyone!

This reminds me of the statistic that 90% of the people who die in a bar fight are the ones who started it. The other 10% are too stupid to blame the dead guy.


Pffft! for me 4-7 is a daily number.

Looks like I can forgo that prostate exam.

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