Originally published at: GOP Chair Ronna McDaniel sees the war in Israel as an opportunity for Republicans | Boing Boing
The whole GOP is just full of absolute ghouls at this point… and not the fun, halloween kind, either.
School mass shooting:
Dems: We should do something about guns.
Horrific war breaks out in Israel:
GOP: Hey, this is a good opportunity for us to score some political points!
Everyone else: … wtf
They will also take advantage of the end times mythology.
yeah, i was hesitant to post about all that in the other threads. my understanding is that the accelerationists believe war there is a sign of the end times, and therefore necessary, and therefore even good.
i really hope it doesn’t lead to violence here. ( though that fear feels more than a little misplaced when so many people there are in the midst of an actual war, and enduring so much real danger and violence )
I don’t necessarily doubt McDaniel’s low cunning; but I’m a bit confused about how the logic is supposed to follow: a particularly right-wing Israeli government, along with what’s supposed to be a competent and formidable intelligence and military apparatus built up with plenty of assistance from Uncle Sam and the Taxpayers walks right into the biggest intelligence failure in at least a generation and that’s good for the Republican party how exactly?
Is it just an application of “president currently in office gets blamed for things that happen during his term; regardless of causal connection”? “Axiomatically; democrats are bad for national defense and axiomatically the security of a frankly somewhat overpriced and unreliable ally is a cornerstone of national defense; therefore Biden did it.”? Something about the end times?
Easy. It isn’t.
Google News shows me a selection of news stories about the situation in Israel. The headlines of most are factual, and related directly to events there. Then there are two articles from the right-wing NY Post (which presumably show up because Google can detect that I’m in New York). They are “White House slammed for hosting BBQ with live band as war rages in Israel” and “Terror attack on Israel is the direct result of Biden aiding and enabling evil Iran”.
I guess there’s no tragedy so large that you can’t somehow turn it into a criticism of Joe Biden if that’s what matters to you.
Dang, maybe it’s an opportunity for the Republicans to stop blocking the appointment of an ambassador to Israel, along with all the relevant military appointments? Oh, not that?
look no further than 9/11, people rushed to support bush the lesser after that. the logic never seems to make any sense
… it’s on Biden’s watch
Literally every bad thing in the world is his fault
I say, good luck, Ronna. Even the NYT places Hamas’ aggression uptick squarely on Trump as far as administrations are concerned.
Lets catapult Paul into the air over Gaza and see if his excuse for human flesh can block a few Hamas rockets.
Maybe one will do.
I’ve already seen nutjobs like Laura Loomer claiming in the “next 14 months” there will be HAMAS attacks in the US who were let in by the US Gov. at the southern border so they can conduct terrorist attacks, allowing for more security measures to be implemented.
They will milk it to feed into their base’s paranoia and already existing Islamophobia.
And by “nutjobs like Laura Loomer”, I believe that you mean the esteemed 45th President of the United States, Mr. Donald J. Trump. Who has also taken that particularly fetid ball and run with it.
I suppose that the same people who believed that coachloads of Antifa were perpetually on their way to commit rape and arson in Nowheresville, IA are not hard to persuade that Hamas is also mere heartbeats away from raining death and destruction on the local mall. Once paranoia becomes a lifestyle, the pieces are interchangeable.
Personally, I suspect that Hamas has other things on its mind right now, but that’s just me.
Yeah, at the time I don’t think he had glommed on to it - but 110% not shocked he’s repeating it now.
Let’s not waste money sending him to the middle east, let’s just yeet him several hundred meters into the air for the fun of it.
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