Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/04/18/lauren-boebert-preaches-biblical-apocalypse-and-uprising-of-righteousness.html
Professing to speak the mind of God while constantly seeking out media attention in a desperate attempt for continued relevancy doesn’t sound very humble to me.
Are there groping dates in heaven?
I assumed that was what the “uprising” part was all about.
Said every failed prophet, ever. JC himself promised that those who were alive then would not die before He (and his Lawyer) came back.
One of the very serious problems in the early Christian church was when all the people of that generation had died.
I have to assume she was groping for ‘an uprising of righteousness’ in her boyfriend’s crotch that time during ‘Beetlejuice’.
Nobody will know the hour, but people keep predicting it anyway, so it can’t actually happen. Boebert is actually helping postpone the end with her unjustified certainty.
(Stolen from an SMBC but I can’t find it right now.)
Its entirely possible I wasn’t’ paying close enough attention previously but I really dislike the current trend of bringing religion, any of them, into government. Theocracies don’t work out. I wasn’t thrilled when I found out the “under God” parts of our currency/pledge were added in as part of the red scare too.
If you want to practice a religion, go ahead. Pretty much every one of them has a guideline about keeping it to yourself that is never followed.
that God is exalting those who humble themselves,
Because the very first word that comes to mind when I think of Lauren Boebert and Donald Trump is “humble”. /S
Didn’t Biblical Jesus say something about not praying in public just so you could be seen praying? Ah yes, Matthew 6:5-6, wasn’t it?
This is exactly how I coped with my adolescent evangelical dread. Every morning when I woke up, I’d think, “Jesus will return today!” thereby keeping Jeebus trapped in the ether for another cycle. And you know what? It worked!
Of course, thinking about him returning at, say 3 am could send me into a minor depression, so it wasn’t without its drawbacks.
This is the theological equivalent of actually believing that dad must just be delayed on his quick trip down to the corner store for a pack of cigarettes and is definitely coming back.
I think she’s confusing ‘humble’ with ‘humiliate’.
I grew up in a church that constantly talked about signs, and that the apocalypse was near, and believers would suffer through the tribulations. I believed it; I sucked it up. It made me miserable as a kid. I used to be afraid that every thunderstorm was actually the bombs falling, and the beginning of the end times. I hate that this crap is still being inflicted on people.

we are going to have an uprising of righteousness in our nation
And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. (But you can tell he’s thinking Old Testament thoughts.)

So tired of these tedious attention seekers.
Well, MTG has been hogging the attention spotlight the past few days. What can you expect her to do? They aren’t going to let her back into Beetlejuice.
Then grandmommy bobo will be a large part of the downfalling of wrongtiousness.