GOP lawmakers attempt to define gay marriage as 'parody'

Thats the bit i’d change, make it a state only thing, so that no religious figure can legally register a marriage on the authority of their religion. If they are a state employee, make it so they cannot refuse to marry on religious grounds. Make the legal end secular exclusively.


I figure we can sell Texas back to Mexico with a long lease on the oil wells and Austin.


religion of Secular Humanism

Oy. (-‸ლ)


Neither DH nor I really cared about who officiated at our wedding (I might have been able to argue for a Wiccan handfasting, DH might have gone for a Zen Buddhist ceremony). We ended up with DH’s cousin because he demanded to do it as an ordained minister, not because we were hung up on having him do it or the religious aspects. I suspect many others would be just as happy with a civil ceremony, except for friends and relatives and peacekeeping…


I’m not sure I understand the meaning of parody marriage.

Is it a guy who was Speaker of the House having an affair while his wife was having surgery for cancer & asking her to sign papers in her hospital bed?

Or is it a guy who was Speaker of the House sexually abusing boys while in a straight marriage?

Or was it a guy who is President and not only divorced a few times but who made six figure hush money payments to porn stars two months after his wife gave birth to his son?

Can you help a girl out here?


It seems like at least once a week (I know, it should be more, but I can only handle so much news some days), I yell “Fuck the GOP!” at the computer or NPR or whatever.

Because seriously.


The province of North Mexico sounds like an unstable neighbor- let’s build a wall.


I’m honestly not sure whether they’re just dogwhistling, or whether they genuinely think “anything not explicitly religious is implicitly Secular Humanism, and therefore religious” is some kind of genius legal loophole they’ve stumbled across.


Or ‘tarring with the same brush’

“you’re just like we are, just with different names” :wink:


Other states have a Quaker version of the marriage license you can request. I got married in Maryland in a Quaker meeting, and that’s what we did. Quakers traditionally had so much trouble getting their marriages recognized that they have everyone present sign a big certificate— ours has over 200 names. Many Quakers homes feature them prominently.


Won’t help these idiots to shut their mouths.

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Texas has a large GLBT community – the second largest in the United States, in fact. The Gay Pride parade in Houston is huge. While Texas is currently a red state, that could well change in the near future. Let’s not even get into how much the state is worth to the national economy. Suffice it to say that a Texas secession would be economically disastrous for the union.

So, please, keep your “bass-ackwards morons”. We have enough of our own, and we don’t need yours to help ours destroy the good things happening in our great state. The nation thanks you.


By the same reasoning, Republicans are parodies of human beings.


Sadly, no. They are more like living embodiments of Poe’s Law.

Religion of Secular Humanism? That’s like the Religion of Science, right?


You know it wouldn’t go that way. These people have no boundaries. No stopping points.


Yes, some of us call it Unitarian Universalism. I’ll ask my buddhist minister what else to call it, but I don’t think she is hung up on that.


Yeah, this is what happens when you’ve only read the Cliffs notes version of the Constitution.


Which churches are the secular humanist ones? And what kinds of tax benefits do they get?


This is clearly political theater. Stop giving these clowns the attention they seek.

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