GOP Senator calls for criminal action against journalist over MAGA dictatorship article

Originally published at: Senator wants DOJ action against writer over MAGA article


This should be enough for reasonable folks to be very wary. Then again it seems that “reasonable” doesn’t apply to the current crop of GOP folks.


I remember back when, for maybe half a minute or so, Vance was widely perceived as one of the more thoughtful, reasonable Republicans. In 2016 he said he thought that Trump might become “America’s Hitler.”

Maybe he still feels the same way and people just widely assumed that he meant that as a criticism rather than something to hope for.


Sometimes I wish we could force the 2023 versions of Republicans like JD Vance and Lindsey Graham to have a conversation with their 2016 counterparts just to see how they try to justify their words and actions.




Going back before Hillbilly Elegy, Vance was a world-class victim-blamer who was especially happy to blame his own. It makes sense that he would join the far-right contingent that won the struggle to take over the GOP.

He and his colleague Josh Hawley don’t howl and indulge in drama like the other MAGAt politicians, which is what makes them the most dangerous of the fascists in Congress.


If Trump is victorious, I suspect we’ll see more of this kind of harassment for a short period, but eventually we will see them getting jailed or worse for daring to write such things.


On the performative theater menu today MAGA cultist JD Vance serving up more red meat to the idiots.


Governing by upvotes.


The Holy Hamberders of Ohio?


Hah. Now I’m sure that the American voter wants a dictatorship and no one will stop him/her from voting for a fascist who will take away all rights and subjugate the people.

It was not for lack of warning, advice or examples that they decided to embark on the ship of fools.


Way to disprove the article by identifying himself as an enthusiastic quisling of the new fascist regime. I don’t think his call for prosecution is going to give the result Vance was hoping for.


Well, the US is really going to test the absolute limits of its Constitution. Just how robust is it really?

Meanwhile, my wife and I are working on getting Euro citizenship for our kids because living next to a heavily militarized fascist state is all too real a possibility. And we all know that Canada would be first to drop in an Anschluss once the internal US economy goes to shit (as all autocratic economies do).


He who threatens opponents with an enemies list… will find their own name on someone else’s list.

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He’s well aware that the current Department of Justice isn’t going to try to prosecute the reporter, and I don’t think that’s the reason Vance is making these statements. It’s all about getting himself in Trump’s good graces in order to secure a powerful position in a future Trump administration.


Also because the gQp can’t legislate themselves out of a paper bag so all that’s left is performative authoritarianism. They can offer absolutely nothing else to their constituents.


That is just an amazingly stupid argument.

Vance is not so much trying to get the Justice Dept to prosecute Kagan (it’s more performative politics) as he’s trying to defend Trump by saying the Justice Dept’s attempts to “ensnare” Trump are unfair, and to be fair they have to go after a journalist for reporting on what is verifiably known about Trump’s own plans for a second term.

If Vance really wanted to be “fair” then he could apply that logic to Fox News’ reporting, since they spent all of 2008 telling us Obama was going to be a dictator, based on nothing more than the idea that “all leftists = Stalin.”


I’m from the part of Ohio that Hillbilly Elegy was written about, and it saddens me that he’s learned nothing about the lessons he claims he learned there. It saddens me more that my home state has elected such an obvious grifter to high office. I keep hoping to see Ohio turn back from its redward swing, but it’s no longer even purple.


I’m knitting enemies names into my afghan right now!


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