JD Vance is widely disliked, and Trump's campaign is in disarray

Originally published at: JD Vance is widely disliked, and Trump's campaign is in disarray - Boing Boing


I’m also really glad to see that they can’t wash off the weird stink of Project 2025 no matter how hard they try; every statement from Vance ends up binding the campaign back to it.


While the Orange Menace believes Vice-Presidential picks don’t matter, 2024 seems an outlier.

I’ve seen a commenter suggest the better model of VP influence is ‘do no harm’; the VP choice won’t contribute much good but it can be a deal-breaker, e.g. Sarah Palin.


In today’s Kettles Calling Pots Black news, Vance was on CNN saying being called a weirdo was schoolyard level bullying:

Of course, it being CNN, they didn’t follow up with questions about Cheetolini’s or his own name calling.

Seriously, da fuq wrong with these “news” outlets?


Normally I’d be right there calling out a schoolyard bully, but the bullies are getting bullied back. :woman_shrugging:

So suck it up, snowflake.


What happened to “f*ck your feelings”, JD? Also, it isn’t bullying when it’s accurate. Stop doing weird things, stop getting called weird.


It is HILARIOUS the party that has a nick name for all the major players, called the other side pedophiles, Demonrats, Marxists, etc., makes up horrible lies constantly - just absolutely folds under the slightest bit of push back.


Yeah, this has been in the back of my mind for a while, I find myself teetering over the rabbit-hole wondering if they have some plan in the works, Russian cyber-plot, or a less paranoid scheme involving MAGA election officials on a state level.


Wonder what Peter Thiel feels about the useless sack of shit he put his money into now?



The real problem with the Trump campaign is they haven’t come up with a good name to call Harris.


Sarah Palin at least had the benefit of getting the conservative base more firmly behind McCain.

She was of course electoral death for the ticket’s chances with independents and moderates. But one could argue that was a chance the McCain campaign had to take, because without their own base they had no chance.

So there, Palin at least provided some arguable value to the ticket. None I can see with Vance here. Even with him campaigning in Trump’s stead, of course just about anyone who didn’t turn off voters would be a better choice. Even Rubio.


Is that a very small hot dog or a very big plate?

Though I approve of the generous portion of fries.


This seems to be where at least some of them are planning to go, but this strategy seems to assume that there will be no government in place between Election Day and Inauguration Day, and that the Biden Administration will just stand back and let them dick around with election certification to their heart’s content. You thought 60 lawsuits was a lot? Sheeeeeeeeit.


If the rumours are true, Don jnr and Eric Trump were pushing hard for Vance - I do hope that the Mango Mussolini is raging at the pair of them as the couch botherer helps sink the Republican campaign.

(Assuming he can remember who Eric is of course).


They are also missing the fact that electoral certification will proceed whether or not a state has submitted by the deadline (and I believe that can submit partial electoral counts if GOP-run districts don’t submit). I can’t begin to do that electoral math right now, but trump needed those swing states in 2016 and they were won by the slimmest of margins.


That is kinda the conventional wisdom. Bush the elder probably lost a couple of points because of Quayle, and Humphrey’s campaign was famously wounded by the controversy over Tom Eagleton. And of course, everyone loves Tim Walz for being so completely un-Trumpy.


It’s almost like they saw Cheeto Benito stamp his feet and say “nuh uh” too many times, and thought they could get away with it, too.


IIRC, Arizona did that during the last election cycle because one of the districts refused to certify to the point of lawsuits being deployed.

Also, Happy Cake Day!


I’m not sure there’s a way to get the Trump campaign in non-disarray. Trump is heisting nearly all campaign funds for his personal use – and even so, they don’t have to worry much about losing voters because the base is 100% all in on Trump worship. Attracting unaffiliated voters is a bigger challenge for them, though…


I’ve also heard Vance was picked after a direct meeting between TFG and Vance’s patron Peter Thiel. So I expect at least a promise of money or even just direct money was a part of Vance becoming VP too.