GOP staffer who said Obama girls lacked class was arrested as a teen

It ASTONISHES me how many people misuse the Ad Hominem fallacy. You clearly have no idea what it actually means.

This was actually meant for @IudexFatarum apologies.

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I’m actually tired of people bringing this up. Oh no, young women were acting as some young women do and were having fun and dancing! OH NO!

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Funny, I’m not the one who said anything about ad hominem…which, btw I do think you should review the definition of. I do not think it means what you think it means…

Oops sorry, I scrolled up to far; the person in question responded to you. Edited. But, no, that person did not have the definition correct. Sorry.

I’m so confused right now!

Judge not lest ye be judged.

Perhaps it’s a little unfair to criticize the girls, but this did occur at a public function. They were paraded on national TV in support of their father, so… in my opinion they’re fair game.
But what is even more disturbing is that their parents let them dress in that manner. Sorry, I’m an old guy and in my time, they just wouldn’t have been put on public display dressed like that. --there was a dress code, such as a tie and suit to church. My grandfather was horrified that my shoes weren’t freshly shined and did it himself so as not to be an embarrassment.
I’m 58 and can’t wait for the end so as to escape to this messed up planet.

It was just as shitty when this was brought up about the Bush twins.


Yeah, not me.

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They are fair game? For being the president’s daughters?! They didn’t choose this life. What a horrifying statement. Where does the line start and begin in this game, anyway? Who draws that line? You?

And they were “paraded”? How? Is it because they are young women and dared to show themselves on national TV? So now they’ve “paraded” around, as if they are nothing but objects rather than real, actual human teenage girls? Your entire comment is disturbing, quite frankly.

They are teenagers! “Let them dress in that manner”. I am so confused. Are we looking at the same pictures??

Dress in WHAT manner? Are you sure you’re talking about the Obama kids?? I am so confused. They were wearing CARDIGANS!

Also, it wasn’t church. It was a freakin’ turkey pardoning, but even if it were church, they would be dressed perfectly acceptable.

You say you can’t wait to escape this messed up planet, and yet you’re still stuck in, what, 1952, and talking about how in the good ol’ days your grandfather was horrified at shoes that weren’t perfectly shined? And complaining about two young women who are dressed in a perfectly acceptable fashion for a turkey pardoning? OH, bother. This isn’t the good ol’ days, anymore. Hate to break it to ya.

I wonder how often you wear a tie. I just wonder. Or if you just leave your judgement to the youngins. EYE ROLL


You guys seriously need to stop replying to trolls.


Have you considered therapy?


This 'aint your Daddy’s first family.
Fuck you, Grandpa!!!

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A real apology has a part you left out, which is “0. Actually meaning what you say, rather than saying it because you’re supposed to.” Without that, the other parts don’t add up to much.


It was a skirt length thing?

I assume since it was from a GOP mouthpiece, it was because the girls weren’t wearing a full burqa as expected by their Kenyan Muslim father…


Whoever used “Ad Hominem” up above is a dork so their argument doesn’t count anyway.


You need to not tell others what to do. PLENTY of people have the same view … including the very person who is the subject of this post. So I don’t know why you think this is a troll’s opinion only. Or that it’s for sure a troll, and not just some asshole who actually believes what they are spewing. It’s not exactly unheard of. As this post demonstrates…

The account name is “afriendlyguy1” with a name of “John Friend” and his post ends with “I’m 58 and can’t wait for the end so as to escape to this messed up planet.” Is this credible?

Although looking at the account, he’s been around since July 2013 and has posted other stuff (some of it rather wacky), so – maybe you’re right. I assumed it was a new user.

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Wow! You mean you aren’t always right? Who knew! Maybe next time resist ‘splainin’ to others how they should respond to sexism, okay? Thanks! (People ask hey, what can we do to help combat sexism? And we respond, speak out! Make it known that that shit is not okay! And then people get lectured for speaking out, and told to ignore the sexism. We can’t win for losing.)

And I don’t even give a shit if it’s a troll or not. Please read the video I posted. It’s important.