GOP's Adam Kinzinger repeatedly hits Trump with an insult he hates most: "loser"

I’d say 1980. The GOP was full of assholes before then, but that was the year they decided that the permanent core of their platform was going to be the dismantling of the US government.




Yeah, I felt like I was being really generous even as I typed that. I didn’t pay attention back in the ‘80s, but in the ‘90s when I was in Highschool, it at least seemed like there was discourse and each party stood for something. But maybe that was just my idealistic teen mentality at the time.

ETA: shit, never mind, I just remembered the Clinton impeachment hearings. Don’t know what I was thinking…is it Friday yet?


In 1970 I was a student volunteer on Adlai Stevenson’s campaign to unseat Ralph Smith in the Senate; the latter’s campaign slogan was, “When I see Adlai, I see red.” Even long experience with people like that was not preparation for the genuinely bizarre, anarchic hostility to the very idea of government that became mainstream GOP politics 40 years ago. Trumpism is just the reductio of that; and, if you view him as simply the direction the party had been moving towards for decades, it is no surprise that the bulk of the party, and not just a few marginal people, would still be singing his praises.


I wonder if the biggest loser remembers this tweet…


Probably not.


Apparently Trump is pathologically afraid of being called a sucker too. Or rather, he’s constantly referring to other peoples as suckers. As in, if you believe x, you’re a sucker. People in a room with him for, say, 20 minutes can’t believe how many times he starts going on about this or that group of people being suckers.

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Aww quee snek self comforting num num. Don’t diss the sneks because of very bad humans

Am I missing something about Beck’s politics and not realising that ‘Loser’ encapsulates this turd slowly sliding down the face of The American dream?

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