GoT speculations (S06 spoilers)


Speaking of Mormonts, what of Jorah? He’s been conspicuously absent for a bit…

He’ll find a cure for sure. Maybe somehow his status will get a boost and he’ll score a roll in the hay with Dany…?


I’m psyched to see the Hound back. He’s one of my fav characters. The other two are Arya (^^ badass, like Kimmo said) and Brienne. “Cripples and bastards and broken things.” They all have codes they’re struggling to live by (rough justice, revenge, honor) that are huge handicaps.

Why not Tyrion himself? He’s already risen above his challenges. He’s standing at the head of fleets and armies, at the side of a queen with dragons overhead. Those other three are still struggling.


Haven’t watched the show, have read the books.

Despite what GRRM says, it seems to me like the natural narrative arc of the series is only about 1/3 done. Winter is only just beginning; I want to follow it all the way to Spring.

In my ideal headcanon world, the natural place to go would be for Westeros to be completely overrun by the Walkers, with the last remaining holdouts being Dany and Jon (plus the remnants of the other assorted factions) besieged in a castle somewhere.

Outside the castle, the only non-supernatural survivor would be Arya…who singlehandedly slaughters her way to whatever is the centre of the Walkers’ power.


Just pop on a boat and sail to mereen. “Hey night king, walk on water ya choad!!”

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Undead marines are best marines. :slight_smile:

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Of course in the littoral parts of the sea that makes sense, but not crossing blue water oceans. It just isn’t realistic! (He says, tongue placed firmly in cheek)

I don’t know, littlefinger will try to play it that way but it will mean Sansa isn’t the strong woman she’s just now showing herself to be. On the other hand, Baelish is the dark horse, and one of the few characters who’s able to punch above his weight and I see him courting Daenerys who just might give in if she thinks he can help her get the north on her side. Of course, if he really does love Sansa then he’s dead already.

Daenerys and Tyrion makes sense once Cersei and Jamie are gone, lady Olenna should be satisfied as long as he fights on her side, that would unite the 6 kingdoms if not the north who don’t really care for the iron throne anyway.

What would it take to unite the 7 kingdoms? Zombies.


with as strong, and let’s be honest ruthless dany has shown herself, i just don’t buy her either making alliances she doesn’t have to or ceding power. why the hell should she? dragons already melted harranhal once, you think the vale and winterfell would be a problem?

land south of kings landing, collect dornes and the tyrells armies, and conquest is virtually guaranteed. and somehow i don’t think a few dozen whitewalkers will be much of a problem for dragon flame, or zombies for dothraki.


I knew I shouldn’t have opened this thread!

I only watched the first episode of series 1 yesterday! Now I’ve ruined it for myself.


Ser Pounce is still alive!

He’s also basically the only character in King’s Landing I care about now.


I love Sean Bean. I hope his character has a happy ending.


Could be she already has. I’ll have to rewatch the episode’s last shot and squint to see if I can spot any sails from Dorne and/or Highgarden, but it may be that the fleet picked up a few more ships when it picked up Varys in Dorne, rather than Varys traveling back from Dorne to Meereen before the fleet left.

Well, she’s already made that kind of deal with the “good” Greyjoys in order to secure their fleet (though I’m not at all sure that ceding the Iron Islands to them was any great loss). And it’s easy to say that Lady Olenna and the Sand Snakes are only in this fight for revenge against the Lannisters, but since Dorne wasn’t conquered by the Targaryens but merely joined with the Seven Kingdoms by marriage, vengeance against the Lannisters may not be enough to ensure the Sand Snakes’ loyalty to Daenerys once Cersei is dead. Dany’s gonna have to make some concessions to Dorne, since not even Aegon’s dragons could conquer Dorne before.


Or she could just ignore Dorne completely. It’s not like they bring much to the table other than over-the-top-psycho-crazy


She could. Might be worthwhile just leaving them alone. But if she wants to rule all of Westeros, including Dorne, then she’s gonna have to figure out how to get them to bend the knee to her. The dragons weren’t enough before. And now she needs them. If she has to grant autonomy to everyone who helps her overthrow the Lannisters the way she did for Asha Greyjoy, she’s gonna end up ruling a much smaller slice of Westeros than she’d like.

Which actually would be the ideal solution, it she fancies herself enlightened at all.


Well, to be fair I don’t think she has a map with boundaries saying ‘Mine’ and ‘Not Mine’, so it shouldn’t be too hard to shift ‘annoying, difficult, and lame plot’ to the backburner, right?

aegon had dragons, but he didn’t have the dothraki horde. concessions to dorne? sure. but they are gonna stay part of the seven kingdoms.


She keeps saying she wants to rule Westeros. I grant that she’s a fictional teenager, but she really doesn’t strike me as having a good grasp on politics. She’s just been handed some vague birthright and a huge sledgehammer with dragon heads. Other than that and charisma (and compassion enough to recognize that slavery is a Bad Thing), I’m not sure why Tyrion or anyone else would think she’d be the best or wisest choice to sit on the Iron Throne.

Of course, recent occupiers of that throne demonstrate how low a bar there is to clear.


Things are sure set low, aren’t they? I’m pretty sure she could rise above that bar while swimming. So that’s a plus…sort of?

Mind you, I’m on team Mormont. :slight_smile:


That’s what I was thinking, he’s toast. It seemed clear to me they’re setting up a War of the 5 Queens as symmetry to War of the 5 Kings.

Ellaria Sand (Queen Sandsnake)

Much as Yara has sworn fealty to and is “up for anything” with Dani, opportunism is in her Iron Island blood.


Personally, I’m hoping that at least some of the women have learned that the throne isn’t worth having. When’s the last time anyone inherited one from a parent who passed away peacefully in their sleep after a long life?

Let’s see. Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and head of House Stark: decapitated. Jon Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale, etc.: poisoned by his wife. Viserys Targaryen, exiled prince: given a liquid-gold toupee. Robert Baratheon, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms: gored by a boar when given too much to drink on a hunt. Robb Stark, King in the North: stabbed. Renly Baratheon: stabbed by smoke. Stannis: killed in battle. Joffrey: poisoned. Myrcella: poisoned. Tommen: splattened. Margaery: blown up. Tywin Lannister: shot on the shitter. Kevan Lannister: blown up. Roose Bolton: stabbed. Ramsey Bolton: fed to dogs. Shireen Baratheon: put to the torch. Balon Greyjoy: shoved off a bridge. Theon Greyjoy: castrated and tortured nearly to death. Doran Martell: stabbed. Oberyn Martell: squished like a grape. Walder Frey: throat slit. Edmure Tully: captured and tortured by Freys.

Really, with the exception of Hoster Tully, I don’t see how any head of any House, or anyone with any serious claims or ambitions for the Iron Throne, has managed to do anything but die an awful, awful death since Robert’s Rebellion. Who in their right mind would want to step anywhere near that throne?