Gov. Sununu supports Trump's praise of Hitler: "It's all about the results" (video)

I only recently learned just how much time and energy that Joseph McCarthy personally poured into Nazi apologia, going so far as to destroy the lives and reputations of the US Army prosecutors who charged Nazi war criminals for slaughtering unarmed American POWs, using baseless and disproven allegations that the prosecutors had tortured the SS Stormtroopers into giving false confessions.

There is a non-trivial portion of the GOP that believes and always has believed that the United States sided with the wrong people during World War II.


So, I guess all that fuckshit is okay as long as they tell everyone the trains run on time? Honestly I think that’s how the MAGA brain works. Whatever Trump says is true, until he says something else, and then that’s the new truth. So whatever it takes to make Trump say the thing they want is okay.


The GOP, especially Trump-side, is loaded with America First this and that. Enough of those people know the historical significance, and they don’t care.


Certain trains ran on time, as we know they always do under fascist regimes. The ones headed to the camps took priority over all others, including military troop and supply trains headed to the front.

The same ones who always hated FDR and the New Deal. They had to hide their views after 1941, but since 2015 they’ve felt comfortable uncloaking.


Actually, I think even that, they had problems with them “running on time”… but they did prioritize them over everything else…


He didn’t just go “full Trump”, he did it in about the worst way possible stating something like, “I don’t care who the nominee is, my side needs to win, full stop”. Nothing about wanting the best for his constituents or the American people. Only cowardly and predictable, “Team R über alles”.

I don’t have any love for any of the Republicans who are endorsing Harris and stumping for her, but I give them credit for putting the country over Party.

Sure, if it’s the “right kind of people”.


I give them a little credit for that. Not a lot. That’s what they’re supposed to do. That’s what they’re all supposed to do.


A million times this. I won’t forgive and won’t forget what they have done and who they are. These are all people that propped up Trump and made America (and the world) much worse as a result. They aren’t heroes and aren’t worthy of my respect. But, for this one specific thing, I can say they were in the right side of history. It’s such a low bar, but it’s still notable. It’s right up there with giving Pence minimum credit for simply doing his fucking job and certifying the 2020 election.


Which he wasn’t going to do until Dan Quayle told him that he had no choice but to do it.


That’s a very good writeup, nice find. Covers everything relevant. Good primer for anyone who wants to dig deeper.


Well, the US did end up destroying the British Empire, so…

Too many of those people know the history, and it’s deliberate.


I became aware of Alison Jackson’s work last night (NSFW and other situations where food is being eaten)

The making of is pretty unpleasant too

It was Mussolini’s brand of fascism that made the trains run on time. (or not)

Now what was the result for Hitler?


Worst. Honeymoon. Ever.



What kind of fucked up world do we live in where DAN QUAYLE saved Democracy…


That’s Dr. Seuss. :thinking:

Though it does note his racist depictions of the Japanese.

My guess is that it’s been boinged, but I don’t remember it.

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