Government accidentally sends file on "remote mind control" methods to journalist



This is fun…and another, as shouted out in the PWEI track.

Tell me that Poppy isn’t involved in this.

In case you’re serious, night terrors are well-documented throughout human history, long before either the US government or electronic technology existed. They suck a lot, but they’re a bug in human cognition, not a deliberate attack.

And night terrors don’t mean you’re crazy. Any legitimate medical professional knows they exist and will believe you. Therapy and counseling can lessen or remove them for many people.

Edit: Actually, you only have one post and your user profile has spam links in it, so I’m thinking you’re not a real person, just an SEO spambot.


Or maybe the gov official was just in trolling mood that day…

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The documents are fake source, but technology exists and it is used exactly as it is depicted on the Cheryl’s picture -
they belonged to

Watch the video about
several thousand of nano crystals (I was told so by one manufacturer or nano sensors for research)
implanted secretly during the operation.

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