Great video simulation of a person aging 60 years

Stop oppressing me for my prosopagnosia!

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Itā€™s not only negative stereotyping thatā€™s problematic.

If Boojack had said ā€œI expected her to not age for 4 minutes and then in one frame get Aā€™s on her math exams,ā€ then that would have been similar stereotyping.

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Noticing things is problematic, true.

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I was really expecting her to be wearing a school girl outfit at least some of the time.


I didnā€™t even notice what race she was. In fact, I didnā€™t notice that it was a woman! I did have a vague notion that she was from Earth.

I was a little perplexed when she ceased to be Asian around the age of 20.

So in your world, jokes are only funny if theyĀ“re factually correct, huh? When was the last time you actually saw a rabbi, a priest, and a duck walk into a bar?

And Asian people age? Get outta here! Thanks for telling me they donĀ“t all look alike though. I didnĀ“t know that, but it is very valuable information to me. You see, now at last, I can be sure the woman who has been living in my flat for the last eight years is really who I think she is and not just a barefaced imposter. Next time she tells me about how sheĀ“s glad she looks ten years younger than her actual age though, IĀ“ll be sure to inform her of how problematic that kind of thinking is.

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ItĀ“s not smart to think other people are that much dumber than yourself.

No, but I do think originality counts for something. I also believe that we, as a society, should have long ago moved on from racist jokes that rely on racist, cliche stereotypes to be ā€œfunnyā€.

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well done. The nose didnā€™t seem to age though.

So, for @marilove

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I also believe that we, as a society,

began self-appointed arbiter of internet morality, to no oneā€™s surprise,

should have long ago moved on from racist jokes

You donā€™t know what that word means.

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