Originally published at: Grimes admits hacking Hipster Runoff and "basically blackmailing" it | Boing Boing
So, she broke laws and openly admits it. Why isn’t she in jail? Oh yeah, white, privileged and baby mamma for a equality arrogant moron. Waiting for the “They’re violating my freedoms” whine.
For more information please re-read:
she’s well beyond the statute of limitations.
Because the statute of limitations for this particular crime has run out, as stated in the post. Also, from reading this article from 2012, which does not mention a DDOS attack, I’m not sure Grimes is to blame for the ultimate failure of that blog. It doesn’t sound like something that would ever have much of a shelf life. As much as I might get a little satisfaction from an entitled celebrity being in jail, I don’t think she should have gone to jail for this.
I wonder how her new girlfriend Chelsea Manning feels about this skulduggery committed against a website that publishes leaked documents?
So proudly she claims she effectively canceled a popular site, then goes on to decry “wokeness” and “cancel culture”?
If only there’d been some warning sign that she might be a toxic, self-absorbed, greedy piece of shit.
do we really need a grimes?
According to the linked Singh post, Canada doesn’t have a statute of limitations on cybercrime, and this was likely done from Montreal.
A hack/DDOS was reported at the time. But also supposedly involved complete destruction of the sites archives and other shit.
Thing is the writer at Hipster Runoff was a bit of a fabulist and troll from what I remember, looks like they’d indicated the site was winding down or at risk well before that.
I’m also pretty sure if the situation had been blackmail over a specific picture of a specific person, that would have been reported at the time.
And Grimes is definitely an asshole with a loose definition of reality.
It’s probably bullshit top to bottom.
Seeking fame but wishing to remain anonymous?
Ugh…so your coolest hacker moment was a friend telling you “Hey, you know, you can just buy a DDOS attack over the internet, here is a URL”, then using your credit card to do so. Sounds about right. I guarantee you she does not have her own bot army
Yeah, this may remain relevant…
Thing is the writer at Hipster Runoff was a bit of a fabulist and trolley from what I remember, looks like they’d indicated the site was winding down or at risk well before that.
I remember following a link to that site back in the late 'aughts. It basically seemed like a predecessor for today’s anti-woke freedumb fighters that tried to take the piss out of artists that were LGBTQ, challenged norms or were otherwise not mainstream. I am not saying that Grimes fits that description, but it’s easy to see how she would be lumped in with it.
So yeah, bullshit top to bottom seems like an apt description of the situation.
They were purportedly an indy music blog that mostly seemed to trade in lame gossip and “satire” along the lines you’re talking. Along with lazy, shitty jokes about hipsters.
Most of the artists they covered weren’t particularly obscure, many weren’t indy at all except by some vague Coachella inspired aesthetic standard.
Their big viral moment was a “take down” of Lana Del Ray “exposing” her by way of restating her publicly available biography and calling her boring, and only popular because she was pretty. Or technically not actually popular, but fake popular due to vast conspiracy.
It didn’t last long. Mostly seemed to be covering a very particular, shitty, rich party scene. Wasn’t actually influential. And the fact that any bit of media treated it as if it was is deeply embarrassing.
It was like the laziest version of late 90’s internet snark re-appearing. And places like Gawker and Vice wet their pants over it being the new Pitchfork.
So in short:
Fuck all these people.
this is the dumbest timeline
Why isn’t she in jail?
But also… statute of limitations as others noted… but yeah still…