Originally published at: The blonde, white Capitol rioter who bragged her race and status would keep her from prison is sentenced to 60 days in prison | Boing Boing
And just imagine how popular she will be when she gets there.
a great job
Does she still have a great job?
Wait, I thought their talking points were that racism was a thing of the past, systemic racism doesn’t exist, and black lives matter is racist?
I’m shocked (not shocked) to see that they understood all along and are just white supremacists.
Huh, So attempted insurrection only gets you 60 days? Seems a bit short.
Terrorist and seditionist? 60 days? That’s a pretty light sentence. She’s not completely right, but she’s not wrong, either. Were she one of the big scary looking dudes, I bet she’d have gotten a lot more time.
And she expected some sort of privilege for her whiteness, a “white privilege” even? No, couldn’t be since I’ve been told that doesn’t exist.
Was she the same one who took her office on vacation to Mexico or somesuch? Or am I getting my privileged white female rioters mixed up?
60 days due now, but what was the rest of the suspended sentence?
(Usually the suspended sentence is a more effective deterrent to keep her on the straight and narrow.)
Well, she was only “charged with a single count of parading, demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building.” 60 days for that seems ok. I’m not even sure if “attempted insurrection” is an actual offense, but if all she did was “parade” around the Capitol, it could be difficult to prove intent for something like insurrection.
I’m curious what the knock-on effects of 2 months of jail time does to a person. Maybe lose your job, maybe the inability to work during that time causes financial problems, etc. I’m also curious what percent of these rioters have figured out that they are the victims of a con job, and that trump is a big fat liar. My guess is something like 10%. Most probably think they are being persecuted (and prosecuted!) for their knowing the “truth.”
Sorry, no. Just another one.
I wonder what color her hair will be when she gets out? Does the commissary have bleach?
A bit too short of a sentence.
That newscaster at 11 seconds says “President Trump”. Not “ex-President Trump”, or “Private citizen Trump”,or “Disgraced Shithead” would have been more appropriate.
I thought the MSM had a Liberal bias.
That’s texas for ya. But ex presidents do somehow get to keep the title, no matter how shitty orange they were.
In the news segment on this rioter, she says she wants a pardon from the president. I don’t think Biden’s gonna worry himself about that. And now this disgraced former real estate sales lady gets to learn firsthand how quickly the orange turd will turn is back on his loyal followers. Nothing new, but she must be a dumbshit for believing he’ll do anything for her.
No, but reality does.