Griping about moderation, bias, et cetera


And I don’t think it works because I get an error message. (500 error message, to be exact.)


The food was awful, and the serving sizes were so small!


Well, it is an evolving feature. Keep the feedback coming. The goal is for it to be useful to you and not get in the way, but it’s early days still.


Right now, it gets in the way.


Just wanted to point out that I always disliked the military titles, even though I can appreciate the nod to Star Fleet. The BBS is a though little ship.


And Star Fleet also stuck to navy-style nautical terms.

So I just got paroled. I read the entire “Communication Breakdown” thread while I was gone & I wonder if it might be best that I go back to lurking & not commenting? Maybe I’m not a good fit here.

@orenwolf Is there a way to deactivate my account, but still maintain a channel to reach an admin should I wish to return?

PS: Some ideas: Given that BB uses a military-style ranking system:

Lessen the timeouts to “Restriction to quarters” for 36-48 hours. Two weeks is a long time.

Demotion. Loss of rank and/or posting privileges for the stronger offenses. (e.g. Read Only and Like/Dislike Only). Restriction to quarters for longer periods.

An appeal. Every defendant should be able to appeal to the moderation staff. As yet, there was no way for me to explain myself. I was in the wrong, no doubt, but I had no recourse. This strikes one as dictatorial, not democratic; quite the opposite to the editorial position of the site. We should practice what we preach.

Make the punishment fit the offense. The punishments meted out here are very binary and I think there’s a better way to deal with good-faith/misguided users/having a bad day vs. true bad actors.

I enjoy reading the discourse here and I don’t want to leave.

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It’s not really a ranking system. Members receive a “promotion” on the anniversary of their joining the BBS (as long as they were active during the previous year), so it’s just a ceremonial title that shows how long people have been around.

As for your other points, we have a separate thread for griping about moderation, but the long and short of it is that nobody has time for tribunals and whatnot. And that’s okay. Perfect moderation does not exist, but the moderation that we enjoy is pretty damn good. We appreciate all the work that Orenwolf puts into the really tough job of online moderation, even when we are on the receiving end.


OK, perhaps this wasn’t the place. But I was commenting on the now-closed “Communication Breakdown” thread.

I am not asking for tribunals. But once placed on timeout, I had no way to reach anyone on staff.

As to not having time: isn’t that what they do?

Question: Will there be donuts at the tribunals?


You are a guest here. This is a free service.

18 Likes . Although I’d take the purpose of a timeout at face value and consider why it happened rather than trying to litigate things in an e-mail. Especially when you’ve already admitted you were in the wrong.


Exactly. It stings to get modded, but I’m not at all surprised the mods don’t want to be harangued by people who’ve been placed on time outs…usually by the time it gets to that point, everyone just needs to breathe, maybe take a walk.


Bad analogy, comrade.

Being banned from BB is nothing like being imprisoned.

That said, I highly recommend reading the Praise You thread instead; as it was not posted in bad faith as a passive aggressive attack against specific members.

Good luck.


I think it’s more like you’ve been harassing folks in their home, and now you’ve been locked out. :man_shrugging:


At first I thought OP had just gotten out of prison IRL.


Same. I thought “Oh that’s nice someone was reading the BBS from prison. Cool.”


As one of the many wise voices on this board, you’re right. I think it best that I pipe down for the time being and learn from my time-out.


… this is bad

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