Grown Caucasian woman throws tantrum on train in Taiwan when asked to wear a mask

We use the plastic-covered wires from coffee bags. They are still holding up after many many hot water washes.


So happy to be in a place with a non-political high functions CDC during the pandemic. Thanks you Taiwan!

Texas: 29,000.000 with 110 psm, 34,000 deaths
Taiwan 24,000,000 with 1700 psm 7 deaths

and then theres this…


I’m wishing they hadn’t. For serial offenders like this, it’s part of the payoff to get other people to give comfort when they are 100% in the wrong. When caught, they cry crocodile tears and scream. When cosseted, they turn off the tap. The goal is to continue to do what they want, without any consequences. I’d waste my time correcting a toddler, but not a grown woman.


Here in Japan too, just about the only people I see not wearing masks or wearing masks incorrectly are foreigners. In Japan, it is considered rude not to wear a mask even if you just have a cold.

It really does make all of us foreigners look bad.


Uhhh :smirk: Yes. And New Zealand isn’t Australia. Aside from all that, Taiwanese martial artists do use nunchucks.


Just from anecdotal happenings, my Quaker aunt taught ESL in China for many years, has been very good about quarantine rules and masking, yet her whole family is down with COVID right now. Of course, they live in Pennsylvania, which might account for it, due to the infection rate there.

“I’m not sick, okay?”

This is what drives me up the wall. YOU. :clap: CAN :clap: BE :clap: ASYMPTOMATIC :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:



My MIL sewed a narrow pocket just inside the top edge of the masks she made for us, and I use a piece of lead-free solder wire as the nose wire. I remove it before washing. I think she used bias tape for the pockets. Just an idea.


You forgot the caning.


Not if they’re sitting right next to me!


In Japan, people would marvel at her “tall nose”.


I do get that a lot here, too.


Maybe a little less in Korea now (stricter credentialing, less opportunities to just show up and teach, less emphasis on having “native” speaking teachers in public schools). I’ve observed that those who belong to (more cultish) branches of Christianity were definitely in the bubble that mistrusted COVID and masks, and were quite infuriating to deal with.

Especially in a country that was doing everything right. To hear one friend say “what if they are making it all up? So that they can control all of us?”

“OK, who are, ‘THEY?’”

I felt like a jerk constantly reminding him to keep his mask over his nose. Eventually I refused to meet with him (only outside).


Yeah, but Quakers are generally cool. “Some of my best friends are…” (insert Friends, Presbyterians, RC, Reformed J-dogs, etc) But, eh NALT.

I’ve got neighbors who are really sweet but are also very clearly “Quiver-full”-adjacent in their politics, some of the typical scary-when-you-get-to-know-them USAF people we have around here, cheerfully awaiting (or working toward) The End Times. Anyhoo, these sweet, reasonable-on-the-surface folks were very “poo-poo” above COVID until they all got it. Mama Nice Psycho is still suffering symptoms. Now they wear masks.

(They also loaded up, multiple trips in the Ginormawagon, on toilet paper and all the things they thought they might need when the Storm hit.)


Thank you - I KNEW I’d missed something!


Hurrah! Where have you been?


Good question? Where have any of us been for the last 365?

The answer to your question is a long and cautionary tale of epic proportions.

The End.


I got involved with a Korean group at my university. They had weekly meetings with language lessons, and intros to some Korean food and culture. They also oddly enough arranged programs during summer and winter break where participants could go abroad and teach English.

I did a little looking into this, asked someone who had went on one of these trips what it was like. He told me that first, before you go off to teach English, you go to another location for training. Once there you live in a dormitory packed with people, where (by my lights) you don’t get enough sleep or food. But there was, he recalled, a lot of singing. Hmmmm…


I cut the strip out of a disposalable mask and put in the pocket of my cloth masks. It stays in place OK without being sewn in so I can take it in and out.


That word ‘finally’ is the root of the whole problem here. Little kids don’t get to behave like that, adults certainly not.


The offender knows the discomfort of the other passengers is an instrument to use against the train staff, especially in an environment where service is of great importance. The woman is recruiting the rest of the passengers to her cause by making their experience of this encounter miserable, and her repeated ‘leave me alone’ is a sign of how she’s working it.