Gun control defeated in Senate. #Orlando means nothing if you're paid by the NRA

The vote makes perfect sense. Clearly this Orlando mass-murderer was a well-regulated militia.

That coukd be the NRA’s new slogan:
A Well-Regulated Militia of One


The only “well-regulated” militia I’ve ever seen is when the fed’s arrested and disarmed Ammon Bundy and his friends.

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I’ve shot an AR-15. Pretty much the only thing it’s useful for is killing a lot of people fast. They don’t have great sights, they aren’t good in close quarters, and the 5.56mm round penetrates too much for home defense.

But a 25 round magazine + ironsights optimized for 20-50 yards + semiauto action + about a million places you can mount laser sights and flashlights. What is this weapon for? Shooting 25 deer, or 25 people?

Leave weapons of war on the battlefield.

It’s not that they’re black. It’s that they’re a very specifically and highly refined design for killing as many people possible as quickly as possible.


It seems that USA is being held hostage by 5 million people.


Great! You create artificial prices increase, which makes it MORE desirable to smuggle in cheap stuff from Brazil, or Estonia, or Italy, or Russia, etc. Creating another black market people will kill over to control.

golf clap

They are designed to SHOOT things. Why do YOU and others ignore the point that 80 million - MILLION - people hurt NO ONE with objects that you CLAIM are designed only to kill people? Obviously we found other uses for them.

I give an example in black and white - how these things that are too dangerous and too deadly for a mere mortal to own - whose soul purpose in life is to kill - kill less people than PARENTS who kill their CHILDREN - who were designed to LOVE and CARE FOR their offspring.

I give you people real world examples of how the 80 million owners REALLY use their guns - nope. Not having it. It’s just for killing.

With your logic my knives are only good for killing things and cutting flesh instead of whacking back weeds and cutting cheese. Speaking of cheese - no cheese for you. Milk is only for feeding young. NO GPS for you, it was designed to move the military around the map.

Etc etc - ad nauseum. If I can’t make you see reality through your bias, I guess I will have to go find a snarky meme gif.

I don’t have a number. Do you have a number low enough before you are like, “Well, that’s about as good a we can do.”

Or are you one of those “if it save just 1 life” camps? Because if you are I can come up with a short list that we can ban that will save WAAAY more people than banning guns.

I will say the number has to be SIGNIFICANTLY higher than 0.015% of gun owners killing others before I am going to agree to excessive control.

And the 2nd Amendment isn’t restricted to ONLY the militia. And “well regulated” means well equipped and trained. Not legally regulated. If I have too I will repeat the original intent again if you don’t want to go look it up and research militia use in early American history.

See above. And as you should know AR stands for “Armalite Rifle” and is semi-auto, not a full automatic machine gun. And interestingly enough, before the US army adopted the full auto version for the M-16, they were sold as a new hunting rifle with 2 and 5 round magazines. Vintage ad pre-dating the Army accepting it.


I notice the 2 and 5 round magazines. Appropriate for hunting, target practice, possibly home defense even. I also notice these:

Which happen to fit right into an AR-15’s magazine well, and are only really useful for shredding paper and mass murder.


Gun enthusiasts keep repeating this like it’s important.

I don’t give a shit about the inner workings of the machine. The important thing is that it’s designed for, and very effective at, killing a large number of people in a short amount of time. Even the family of the man who was instrumental in designing the damn thing says it was intended as a military weapon, not a tool for hunting or home defense.


And trucks with V8 Engines with big grills are good for plowing through farmers markets.

I swear, you people sound just like the right wing bigots you hate who are anti-Muslim because a tiny portion of them are in ISIS or support terrorism. So scared of the potential threat, when the reality is the threat is over blown.

Well you should because there is a big freaking difference in both function and current legality. Especially if you are encouraging new laws.

EVERY weapon made was made to kill. From a hammer or bat to a knife or sword to a gun. Most of those items made to day hurt NO ONE. Anyone of us could take kitchen knives and murder our families in their sleep. The potential for horrible things is always there. But the number of people who actually do it is low.


Facile argument. A more apt comparison would be that truck with a people-crusher arm. Those grills aren’t really meant for killing anything. That firearm is definitely refined specifically for killing people and other animals. It’s stellar at it. Enough so that the army decided to make it their primary man-portable homicide tool.

And most of them no longer are being refined to be ever more deadly. In fact, most of those are refined every single year to be safer, or more useful at something that isn’t killing people. The AR-15 pattern rifles, and other assault weapons? Enjoy your hot lead chopped salad.


Let’s not pretend anything coming out of washington, the NRA, or the gun control groups is anything but gridlocked bullshit.

There’s a third rail. No one wants to touch. The Constitution assumed people capable of living in 1800 having a gun. Along with a lot of other shit. Like skills and brains and property and slaves and a family…

Minute men. National defense. Dont tread on me.

Not whatever consumer fad driven marketing demographic that was once drinking mountain dew and eating Doritos has not grasped America’s much simpler alternative history and knows the Constitution was given to America by Jesus and white people are the world’s greatest yadda an dominion over all the animals like Cambodians and Liberals and whatever they decide isn’t people.

No one intended to give people like that guns ever.

And the NRA is a lobby and money is made.

Want to kill guns? Kill the money. Make them free.

And make everyone carry one. And make them not kill people.

The 21st century well armed militia.

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You’re actually describing an anti-republican bias. But I don’t expect you to know what you said.

That’s someone else’s responsibility.


Do other countries that have much stricter gun control laws have this issue? I haven’t heard of Australia having a problem with mass shootings where individuals used cheap imported weapons to do the job. Can you point these instances out for me?

You’re reducing the nature of guns to absurdity. A kid’s slingshot, nerf guns, rubberband guns, and BB guns are designed to shoot things. Real guns are designed to shoot things with high velocity projectiles such that they can pierce human or animal flesh and injure or kill as a result. If you want to hunt, use a bow and arrows. It’s manlier. If you want to shoot at the range, get a BB gun. You’re also ignoring that they’re marketed specifically for their ability to injure or kill. “Home defense” is a code word for shooting people who might invade your home. How do you think guns are supposed to protect your “freedom and family” and all that patriotic marketing crap if they can’t injure or kill people? All the other uses are coincidental. I’m sure the electric chair could be used for heating food with electric shocks and the guillotine would work as a very inefficient but epic food slicer.

You’re playing the numbers and the comparison game again. Feel free to work on getting parents to stop killing their kids. It’s a noble cause. We don’t need to choose between the two. But unnecessary deaths of innocent people are still unnecessary, regardless of whether its caused by parental abuse or neglect or a gun or both.

Nope. Different knives are designed for different purposes, the same way a BB gun isn’t designed to kill but a real gun is. Sure, I could probably kill someone with a small Swiss Army knife blade, but I’d have to get up real close and they’d pretty much have to let me or else I’d have to be really fast and strong to kill multiple people with it. But I’m all for keeping big Bowie knives out of the hands of people who aren’t going hunting. You don’t need one Crocodile Dundee style in NYC. Milk wasn’t designed to kill people, so I’m not sure why you’re bringing that up.

In an ideal world (yes, I know we can’t practically attain that), the only deaths from guns would be unforeseeable accidents like shooting at a deer and hitting someone who was completely camouflaged behind it who also hadn’t seen or heard you because you were being quiet. I’d ban guns in densely populated places like cities and suburbs. I’d regulate the sale of firearms to the military (for defense, not war) and limit the use of firearms among the civilian population to single shot hunting rifles and limit their ability to purchase large amounts of ammunition. If achieved, that would likely cut down on a significant number of accidents, murders, and even many effective suicides (since you can’t exactly call 911 after you’ve changed your mind after you’ve shot yourself in the brain).

But if you have other ideas that could save lives that don’t involve guns, I’m all ears. Saving lives is a worthy cause.

You’re using percentages to make it seem like a small number, but 0.015% of the gun owners in a country of 300,000,000+ is still a lot of people. With a population of 318.9 million people and roughly 32% being gun owners and .015% of them being killers is 1,530,720. That’s a big fucking number. When that’s down to the low thousands, I’ll think we’ve made some significant progress.

Despite what Antonin Scalia and his allies on the SCOTUS thought, the phrase “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,” cannot logically be assumed to be irrelevant to the amendment. It’s stating the purpose for the amendment. You can spend your time arguing original intent all you like, but the qualifying phrase is right there. The 2nd amendment is also archaic because its original purpose has been made obsolete with national guards and state miltiias and the fact that if the federal government can already seize power regardless of how many guns are out there. Guns are more of a threat to innocent civilians than they are to tyrants.


No, it isn’t awesome. It’s a standard that some are held to, and not others, is the point.

Would it have been good law is a whole other conversation from if those are good laws.


it’s hardly full, and he’s hardly done nothing… but your hyperbole suits your purpose.


49 dead. Blow that out your proportion.


everyone is someones baby.


…to a tank to an RPG to a thermonuclear warhead, all of which are generally unavailable to the public because we collectively decided they were too dangerous for civilian use.


Incidentally, black market firearms do still exist in Australia.

But they cost thousands of dollars, you need serious criminal contacts to access them, and if you’re caught with one you’re in major league trouble even if you haven’t used it for anything.

So, in general, almost nobody bothers trying to get them. It just isn’t worth the hassle. Especially because anyone who has a legitimate use for a firearm (farmers, hunters, target shooters, etc) can still legally purchase guns that are appropriate for the use they’re putting them to.

A solution does not need to be 100% in order to be worthwhile.


Useful for killing 5 people or animals. Probably less:

I don’t have much of a problem.

Useful for killing 100 things. Probably less. But that many if it works perfectly:

I have a problem with the fact that anyone who has US dollars and lives in America can buy as many as they can afford. For whatever reason they see fit. If you want to shoot 100 things in such a damn hurry, I want a reason.


But 2nd amendment fetishists told me we have to stop all criminals or we’re wasting our time!