Gun fight from Collateral explained shot for shot

Were you robbing people and stealing shit and threatening to shoot the owners while on meth? Tweakers are Meth users, so I guess it is a fair point that the characters may not have been actual meth users.

Come on - it is a movie with clear “bad guys” robbing people. He didn’t call the cast of Friends or whomever defined your generation tweakers.

You’ve never seen a heavy martial artist?

At any rate, watch the video I posted. He is in chronic pain from beating the shit out of his body in his youth. And he is still trying to stay active. Many men at 55 have let themselves go, so I am going to give the guy some slack.

Thank god I have a decent metabolism, because I can’t run or do any significant exercise that would help me lose weight if I needed to.

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Do we need to go through the “media has an effect on culture” discussion again?

The continuously reinforced meme of “drug addicts are predatory subhumans, and their deaths are no cause for concern” does real harm in the world. Both in the effect it has on the drug-using population, and in the effect it has on the political and legal context. The bastards at the DEA love this crap.


Are you disappointed in Boing Boing?



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Very clever. If I was talking about ‘neutralising lardasses’ I’d take your point.

This needs musical accompaniment:

And, more seriously:

“Just another overdose”.

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It only counts as dehumanizing if you kill them. Got it.

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Well I am sorry you can’t enjoy half of popular culture because they use stereotypical villains, vs portraying people as complex characters, some of them who do bad things for complex reasons. I am sure not all the people who were Nazis were bad people in Saving Pvt Ryan either.

But at the same time, most people know not all drug users are also robbing and hurting people. I don’t care what people do/take as long as they aren’t resorting to violence.

Media portrayal of gun use doesn’t reflect reality either, slanting people’s views on their use, but I still enjoy an action film.

Not your best example. :slight_smile:

Yes, war is complicated.

The Pacino / DeNiro thing was completely worn out by the end of the movie and I just wanted it to stop. I still will occasionally cue up the fight scene and watch just that. I crank up the surround sound because the sound work is excellent.

Never seen this movie (Equilibrium). Those sequences are hilarious. There are literally dozens of men shooting guns at his face while he poses.

I’m now trying to remember the people that recommended this movie to me, way back, so that i can add them to my (movie recommendations) black list.


Don’t forget folks, if you ever have to do this in your everyday life, make sure to get your hand out of the way. Also, just let the tweakers have your dumb briefcase. There’s nothing in it but papers anyway.

It’s “explained” at the beginning of the movie. Something about the distribution of attackers in a gunfight being statistically predictable. So obviously, he’s standing in just the right place to not get hit.

But really, it gets much more meta than that. Statistically speaking, Christian Bale is unlikely to die in a movie, particularly compared to, say, Sean Bean. Guess which one gets shot?

You gotta look beneath the surface to find out how deep of a movie this really is.

Just kidding. It’s a dumb movie, but one that I enjoy despite (because of?) it.


I sense at least half the budget went to motorcycle helmets and black leather overcoats.


The other half went to fog machines and industrial strength hair gel.


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