Guns don't kill people, dogs with guns kill people

Obviously this dog has had the proper training in potato safety:


Cats would never use a gun. They would kill you slowly by either eroding your self worth until you give up on life, or through some parasite you got from their litter box.


Cats would never use such a crude weapon…

Besides cats are too busy protecting their people from those mangy suck-ups.!/img/httpImage/animation-3.gif


The only thing that can stop a bad dog with a gun is a good dog…

Who’s a good dog?

You’re such a good boy!

…with a gun.


A man who tried to shoot seven puppies was shot himself when one of the dogs put its paw on the revolver’s trigger.

Somehow I missed this story originally. It’s like Kill Bill or something.

Au contraire


Interestingly, I could only find one case of a cat shooting its owner, way back in 2005.

Cats are clearly better at wiping off their fingerprints.


All of them. Why do you think we extincted the sabertooth? Those weren’t teeth, they were magazines. They were a double-barreled threat, the long-half-remembered terror of humanity that Robert Rodriguez made whole.

Shifty staffy eyes. D’awwwwww. I love them.

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I like the coat. He’s the kind of doge who you take into the pup-wash, and when you come back demand a refund :laughing:

Clearly these dogs didn’t get the necessary training to be responsible gun owners

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