Guns Don't Kill People, Toddlers Do

I have been wanting to use this forever! You don’t even know how long I have had this sitting around, you don’t even know! Thank you, thank you so much.

ETA - I remember hearing somewhere they used real Nitrous oxide while shooting this…


A very personal post, to which I’ll reply with my own personal perspective on gun ownership, since I was raised with a lot of guns around the house, as my father is a military history buff. (And a Heinlein-era sci-fi nut and crank)

I support gun ownership, but don’t own a gun because:

  • I think they are dull, something my somewhat square of a dad was always into.

  • I like the idea of hunting, but I have a lot of different things I would like to master, and that doesn’t make the cut as long as I have a source for buying Venison.

  • In the back of my mind, there is the thought that in my worse moments I might be tempted to turn it on myself.

  • Buying a gun for home defense doesn’t make sense based on where I live, and the risk. If I seriously needed a gun for home defense, I probably should move. Still, for god’s sake people, buy rubber ammo for your home defense weapons. “What if a crackhead tries to rob us?” in most cases is along the lines of, “What if Ironman tries to rob us?”. I like my neighbors and would like to not accidentally shoot them, or their babies. In any realistic situation, rubber ammo will do the trick nicely.

  • Honestly, shooting guns in real life is nowhere near as satisfying as shooting them in videogames. I have shot just about everything short of fully automatic weapons in real life many many times, and frankly, I’d rather be gaming. You want to feel like Bruce Willis or John Wayne? There’s an app for that.

  • Lastly, I don’t have any room in my condo for a gun safe with all the other badass shit I have. Rackmount servers, fishing gear, titanium road bikes, decades of game console hardware, pointy and flashy guitars, etc.

Yes, I’m unmarried, why do you ask?


We don’t share that view, but I do respect your view and the bulk of your message.


Try googling the official stats for gun death by toddler in the UK. (Should keep you busy for a while.)
That law which makes them impossible to find.

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I am sure you wouldn’t like other aspects of my message :wink:

I am truly a centrist in the regards that the policies I would dictate, nobody would be happy with.

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You make a good point about the first photo, the one with the fuscia/white AR. In the other one though, she clearly has a proper grip (most people need to be taught that), and there appears to be tension on the leash that makes it difficult for her short stature to point it in accordance with good safety etiquette.

But part of my point is that none of that is remotely possible right now. I don’t even think you could have publicly funded ads reminding people to lock their guns up so that their kids don’t get them. It would be publicly spun as a war on gun owners by gun lobby groups. From an outsider’s point of view, the things that stand out about American gun culture are the number of mass shootings and “pro-gun” laws like stand your ground. Banning all guns might be a bad decision, but it’s a bad decision that isn’t happening. I see a lot of bad decisions that are happening, and they are on the anti-control side of things.

I swear, this issue is one where I find myself mostly arguing with people who are trying to make a point I fundamentally agree with. In most of these threads I am getting angry at pro-gun arguments because I find the arguments themselves to be harmful. But I also think that (with one recent exception) I don’t see anyone saying, “We need to ban guns, period.” Which is what makes the idea that there is no reasonable discussion to be had on this board seem wrong to me. Discussions start from places like, “We shouldn’t ban guns because we need them to fight off an oppressive government if one ever comes around,” resulting in the ridicule of the idea of Americans fighting an oppressive government with their guns without circling back to the fact that banning all guns wasn’t really what anyone thinks should happen.


That seems like a great way to completely dismiss legitimate opposition to the proliferation of guns in our society. So now you’re like an anti-vaxxer if you oppose the actually real threat that guns pose to the lives of human beings?

I think gun control doesn’t get off the ground because of the enormous amount of effort it will take to get anything done since we have a constitutional amendment to deal with, in addition to an entire culture of gun enthusiasts and a wealthy corporate lobby.

Are you the queen of England?

Hey, no doxxing.


No I said that specifically about people online, but you are aggressively misinterpreting what I said, thereby wasting more of your time, energy, and emotions online instead of doing something constructive… Be sure to go to the story on climate change where someone says that gun owners deny climate change and be outraged about that statement.

Yes the UK has showed time and again they are willing to sacrifice liberty for security. I guess living in a safe utopia is worth it.

And the US has shown time and time again that children’s lives are the price to pay for the right (!) to own murder machines.

See I can exaggerate to the point of absurdity too!


I am not talking just about gun laws. Show me a week on BB with out posts about the UK gov up to something.

Show me a week without the same being said about the US govt.

You’re implying causality where it may not exist. I have another theory: Cory is a Canadian who has UK citizenship and is married to a UK citizen and, one presumes, the father of a UK citizen. So Cory may have, shall we say, some interest in what goes on in the UK and highlight it here. At least one other Boing Boing’er is a (former) UK citizen as well…


So you’re wasting your time to tell me that I’m wasting my time? That’s productive.

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The US isn’t much better and worse in some areas.

If I haven’t made it clear, I have a healthy mistrust of government.

But only you are wasting your time, not say, anyone responding to you, they’re not wasting their time, energy or emotions, only you! :wink:

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That’s a perceptive question. You can browse my recent posts and connect the dots.

The fact that you already didn’t is a good sign.