Haley: The US has “never been a racist country.” Trump: “Hold my beer”

The Slacktivist suggested that day is like Palm Sunday, then they go back to choosing Barrabas. Except now I’m not so sure it’s even like Palm Sunday.


If you remember that they run for election on a platform of “government bad; I will block it from functioning whenever possible” and then happily take taxpayers’ money to NOT DO THEIR JOB and be proud of it, it all makes sense.

I’m old enough to remember when having the skill set of being a good legislator was considered a good thing, in both major parties. And I’ve watched that concept be denigrated (‘drown in a bathtub”) to the point where now it’s considered a bad thing.

I alternate between weeping and raging in my mind when I think about this country.


I figure the only way someone could honestly express that opinion, is if what they’re saying is either, “the country isn’t racist - the people are!” (which completely ignores structural racism) or, religiously, “the country represents a set of high-minded ideals, which are let down by the people who run it.” But I think she’s using it the way I usually see it used, which is, “racism doesn’t exist these days, except perhaps for a few individuals who openly declare, ‘I’m a racist.’ And maybe not even then.” There’s no way she’s making that claim honestly, though, but only to appease her racist party.


but she doesnt, she said specifically

“We’re not a racist country, Brian. We’ve never been a racist country,”

e/ I dont give her the benefit of doubt anymore because she is of indian heritage; suella braverman for example is clearly racist and haley already made her position clear with her comments that the civil war had nothing to do with slavery.


Strike “these days,” then - denying that racism was ever really an issue is another (dishonest) use of the declaration (followed by the vigorous mental gymnastics of claiming that slavery wasn’t racist). Though she’s also making use of the ambiguity of the statement, potentially meaning one thing at one point in history, another today. I.e. “the ‘country’ is a set of high-minded ideals that were let down in the past, but not now that there is no more racism (except a few individuals)!”

i know right kyle maclachlan GIF


Saying the US has never been a racist country is tantamount to saying racism does not and never has existed. Also, presumably the USA has no history and appeared fully formed only seconds before she was asked the question. Might as well say “Racist? I’ve never heard of that word before, did you just make it up?”


She previously said, about Biden:

“I don’t need someone who palled around with segregationists in the ‘70s and has said racist comments all the way through his career lecturing me or anyone in South Carolina about what it means to have racism, slavery, or anything related to the Civil War.”


Ah, like a Boltzman brain, but for the entire country. Maybe Ruben Bolling can work that into the next Super-Fun-Pak comics :grimacing:


Tell me you’ve never read the Constitution without telling me you never read the Constitution.


… don’t worry, the lobbyists will tell us what to do after we get elected :crazy_face:



You don’t think politicians actually read the bills they support, fund and sign do you?


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