Half a million beds recalled due to injuries from "use"

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/01/19/half-a-million-beds-recalled-due-to-injuries-from-use.html


ah the power of resonance. (“Break Step! Route Step!”)

(and yes, even “Myth Busters” eventually agreed that marching across a tenuous bridge might be a risk (the key is to avoid tenuous walmart beds perhaps))

“be(d)sides too much regular rattle summons Shai-Hulud”


All of that- whaaa?
You nailed the landing i guess


I recently bought a bed and i was super irritated with these cheap beds. They are mostly rated for like 350lbs, which is fine unless you have two adults that exceed that rating. Took a lot of looking around and we found one that was at a good price and had a higher rating on the weight it could support.

Someday i’d like to be able to splurge and get a much better bedroom set but money is tight these days


A former girlfriend and I once busted her bed from “use”. She had friend that was looking to get rid of a spare bed so that took care of the replacement. The problem was getting rid of the the busted bed… We needed to borrow her fathers pickup truck but she did not want to tell her parents how the bed, that they had given her, had got to that state of disrepair. I seem to remember telling her, “Just tell them it died for love”. :joy:


About a month ago I stayed with one of my partners on their last night in their old apartment. At the time they had an old futon, literally a rescue from some friend’s garage, that they were not planning to take with them. We were both really worn out and tired that evening, so our big plans were to just cuddle up and go to sleep.

We knew the futon was getting fragile and I wish we could say it gave out with one last round of playtime, but one corner gave way completely when I simply sat down on it to take off my socks. It ended up with about a 30 degree tilt, towards the side that wasn’t against the wall, of course, but we had to stay because we didn’t have any place else we could go that night. It’s a good thing we like snuggling together!


Something like this is why I had to disassemble and get rid of my Zinus Lorrick 18" bedframe, and the mattress is now on the floor.

“use” had made it incredibly squeaky. Not recommended. The frame isn’t excessively well supported, and the 18" height means the leverage on the joints is high.

I’m still looking for a good, discreet, relatively high-standing, and most importantly robust bedframe.

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With a little elbow grease, carpentry and plywood, you can make a box for your mattress or futon to rest on. Ours was repurposed from a waterbed box frame, and has been sturdy through decades of ‘use.’ Make sure you have supports in the middle so your box doesn’t sag under load.



Beavis And Butthead Lol GIF by Paramount+


Made me immediately think of

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Their old place is less than 1/2 a block from the new one, so we didn’t even have to find a new favorite breakfast dinner or miss the wonderful La Michoacana nearby. Also, we won’t have to break in if we decide to go back to the old apartment – we have a friend that’s still living there!
Although we won’t have to break in if we go


Could be worse, I guess…

Don’t smoke in bed. The ashes messing up the bedside rug might be yours.


Part of the moral of the story seems to be one should avoid beds that cost $100-$300.


Depends. I got a metal bed frame last year from Amazon for our tiny spare room that was only about $75, and we have intermittently used it when one of us has a cold or some other condition makes it needful to separate. So far, so good.


Metal frames are generally pretty sturdy - all the ones who have lived with me have been, and no one’s yet told me a story re: one’s collapse.

I imagine cheap slats [Ed. Note: This is neither a perjorative nor euphemism. Ithankyew.] wouldn’t hold up well, and since they’re replacing the sides, too, I bet those are also cheap AF, and/or shoddily assembled.

A platform bed featuring a solid platform steada slats, made entirely of good solid wood steada particle fricken board, sounds like another good bet - and bed.

Yeah. This is what we have, namely because we don’t want an “under the bed” for the cats when we need to catch them for something.


Not just cats, either…


It’s a tradeoff, because under-bed space is really useful for storage. Pet self-storage is a problem, however.

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It has drawers. Granted, not as much space as if it wasn’t blocked off, but well worth the trade off

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