"Hammock" bathtub

Reminds me of a tent I built once with 6 poles and some rope and tarps. It rained over the weekend and we ended up with two temporary but quite large “hammock tubs.”

Then it got windy . . . didn’t know wind could bend a 2 inch pipe like that, guess it was the giant sail attached to it that did the job.

I call it “learning.”


Cost of bath: £5000. Cost of rebuilding your house to have reinforced bathroom walls precisely 2.700 m apart: £100,000.


Hmm, this has got me wondering about how easy it would be to make an actual hammock bath.
Some tarp inside an existing hammock might work, although a bath must contain something like 100kg of water before anyone even gets onto it, so massive over-engineering is the order of the day here.

Now I’m wondering how big you could make one of these. I’m 6’7", this thing is looking mighty cramped.

Curbless showers are reasonably common, both for design and accessibility reasons. As long as it is done properly it isn’t really a big issue.

Exactly what I was thinking. It would require some very heavy duty wall attachment hardware.

Quite surprised the coffee bar wasn’t included http://www.splinterworks.co.uk/portfolio/dime.php
re: The tub looks incredibly comfortable but to make it functional,wouldn’t hot and cold valves be nice? Commenter heng has it right, a freestanding one in an arch or circle would simplify installation.

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I’d rather have one of those portable bathtubs, like that Hawkeye and B.J. ordered in an episode of MAS*H. It’d be easier to install, easier to move, and it seems like a design that could be greatly improved with carbon fiber.

Spending, as I do, a portion of my time dealing with one that wasn’t, keep a damn close watch on your builders…

This thing is clearly marketed to men with enough fine art and fine women to keep some of each in the bathroom. You have to assume they also have domestic staff to scrub the whole room down after every art bath.

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Proper Silent Hill vibe that bathroom has. Is that what rich peoples’ houses look like? Egad.

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Those spikes on the top of those things are for the heads of your enemies.

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