Lagunitas gets my vote.
This. Or Elysian.
I love Lagunitas! And the story’s they print on each can/bottle.
Just the Recipe strips out everything from an online recipe besides the ingredients and instructions.
Not had great luck with this yet.
That looks awesome! Thanks for the notice, am ordering it ASAP.
Everything but the Blue Moon here is a Western brewery, and they tend to sorta miss the the style. I’ve had some good hazy or North East style beers from out west, but not many of these would be at the top of the list.
Haven’t tried any of these specifically, excepting the Oscar Blues.
BlueMoon is a Coors product and everything they make is weird and gross.
Lagunitas and Elysian are corporate owned breweries (Heiniken and Bud/AB respectively). Lagunitas was pressed into doing hazy ipas despite opposition to the style, and I just really hate their beer. And the response doesn’t seem to be great. Elysian at least has a background in the style, but they’ve had some serious quality issues since the buyout.
Bear I’ve heard good things about their hazier beers despite the fact that they spent a good long while mocking the style and came to it late. They stopped shipping anything but Racer 5 to the East Coast before they ever released something like that. Most newer things I’ve had from them (when you could still get them) were great though.
Firestone I’ve heard good things about too. But never been fond of their beers to begin with.
Anchor has almost no background in IPAs at all, and I don’t know that they are any good at it. There’s certainly zero awareness of Anchor hazy/NEIPA beers here on the East Coast.
I got no familiarity with Device. But I’ve heard great things about Deschutes. I don’t think you can get either here.
So I would go in this order.
Oskar Blues
And I’d skip the Bluemoon entirely.
I may have to it alphabetically…
Seared Oregon albacore medallions with red rice and sweet onions. I almost missed out on albacore season!
Fish market had pufferfish in today, it’s usually more of a spring/summer fish so we grabbed up the last couple of pounds they had.
Seared in olive oil with a bit of garlic and lemon. And then boiled spuds on a paper plate as is tradition.
So… not the poisonous Japanese ones? No tetrodotoxin I mean.
Oooh, nice! We just grabbed a 4 lb bag of masa from the “discontinued/ discount” rack at the store today. Any tips from your experience?
I followed the instructions on the bag.
Yeah, I know!
But where I failed before is not letting the dough rest for 1/2 hour or more at room temperature in a plastic wrap covered bowl.
Not sure but I think I always hurried it and it was too sticky.
No, it’s good to know they work. We haven’t been able to find masa around here before, so I wasn’t sure. Plus, when we get any kind of flour we throw it right in the freezer for a while (ever since the icky “bugs in the flour” incident of a few years ago) to nip that right in the bud, so I didn’t even see if there were instructions on the bag.
But I bet I can find instructions on the Bob’s Mill website.
A few months ago I was looking for recipes to make tortilla chips from scratch and every recipe started with, “buy some tortillas…” so I’m excited to finally have ingredients to do the whole thing.
Nah. Northern Puffer is safe to eat. Bit of a local specialty around here.
I wouldn’t go grabbing just any blowfish. But these ones are fine. Apparently have a low amount of toxin only in the swim bladder and liver. So once the fish is cleaned it’s good to go.
Obviously, as of this post you did survive.
That’s a good thing.
Sad reminder to me that I have never successfully grown anything eatable here at the Foggy Cottage SF…🥲