Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

Butternut squash! Do you dislike peeling it? I thought I’d share my method, below (with photos).

Several friends have told me that they don’t like to cook it because they really don’t like peeling it. But I find my way easy. They had never heard or thought of peeling it the way I do it.

I’ve looked around online and found various tutorials, such as using a vegetable peeler to go the long way on the raw whole squash (looked awkward and dangerous). Or piercing the squash all over and baking it before peeling with a vegetable peeler (looked slimy and dangerous). Or cutting the squash in half and placing it face down and baking it, then scooping out the flesh (hard not to scoop the skin too). But none like I do it :woman_shrugging:t2:

My way:
Wash and dry the squash.
With a big sharp knife, make slices across the neck, making rounds ½ to ⅝ inch thick.
When you get to the bulb, slice it in half through the blossom end, and scoop out the seeds.
Make slices across the bulb-halfs.
WIth a small sharp knife, pare away the rind of each piece as if you’re peeling an apple.

^ My first experience with one-handed photography. You’ll have to imagine my left hand holding the piece and turning it, while my right hand with the knife pares away the rind.

That squash was small, about 1½ pounds. I usually have bigger ones. Of course, really big ones would be more difficult to slice through raw.

Please share your own butternut-peeling tips!