Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

Has anyone tried cranberry sauce over vanilla ice cream?

I feel like this is something that should work, but it’s too early in the day to try it out.


Throw a spoonful of brandy on there and it would probably be great!


It’s a little late, but this video just popped up on my feed, and I wanted to share it because it’s very similar to my mother’s recipe. The order of mixing ingredients is different, but it’s really similar. I may try this the next time I make rolls and compare. Maybe Christmas.


Pie for breakfast has a long, long history. It was common in the colonial era and is mentioned in medieval writings.


Yes, cranberry sauce over vanilla ice cream works, especially the whole berry kind. I can’t comment on the canned jelly stuff, though.

When my SIL was alive I would make extra for her for that exact reason. She loved it! It still feels weird making only enough for the meal.


So sorry to hear about your SIL. Now I felt obligated to try it in tribute to her.

Totally works. The mix of tart and sweet. I have a new post Thanksgiving treat.


Fox Tv GIF by Almost Family FOX

Okay, I’m one of those who puts apple at the bottom of the rankings of fruit pie, but I can tolerate it. Still, cheddar is right out.

What about Provolone? Would that be acceptable? :thinking:


I repeatedly thought about making a cheddar crust for apple pie, but I just couldn’t quite bring myself to do it. I guess I should just try a little cheddar and apple pie together first to see what all the hubbub is about.

That Atlas Obscura article references a NYT article I had to go look up. Apparently, it was in the context of a debate about why pie is superior to ice cream:

Pie is the American synonym of prosperity and its varying contents the calendar of the changing seasons. Pie is the food of the heroic. No pie-eating people an ever be permanently vanquished. It is a significant historical fact that England’s glory was greatest in the days when her gallant sons ate pie. The mailed knights whose deeds reflected honor on the British name and the later heroes who brought under the dominion of the British crown the teeming millions of the Eastern world were voracious eaters of pie. Then slowly the pernicious influence of the shopkeeping element grew, and gradually the generous dimensions of the pie were reduced, until now it has dwindled to the insignificant tart. As the pie declined the high ideals were lowered and the prestige and power of Great Britain were dissipated. Not even the tart is included in the rations of the army in South Africa, and hence the British victories have been few and bitter taunts of KIPLING have been many. True, there are doctors who preach against the pie habit and who profess to search for an antitoxin for the extinction of the pie microbe; but no one has ever known a doctor to refuse a second piece of pie. This attitude of the medical men is easily explained. There was needed for the perfect enjoyment of pie only the quality of prohibition, so while the doctors execrate they eat.


Hmm…a Pasta Filata style cheese? That might be stretching it (insert big wink)

Seriously, though, I’ve never heard of Provolone with apple pie, but I don’t think there’s a yes-or-no answer—I’d say it’s use whatever tastes good to you!


Foraged persimmons:


It’s a combo not everyone likes, I personally think apple pie isn’t sharp enough to stand up to the cheese. I often dress* aged parmesan with basalmic vinegar, fruity and acidic opposing creamy and rich with a salty crunch.

*In Italian it’s condimento ( a condiment) but it’s also a verb condire, which is to put a condiment on,


How it started. How its ending.
BBQ Turkey made a great stock. Soup time soon.




Well, it’s worth a try. Reading the story it mentions that the batter smells bad, so just stick it in the oven and bake it. Maybe I’ll give it a go.


Tomato is a fruit, so it’s not that crazy. Many fruits (lemon, apple, apricot, olive, avocado, jackfruit )span the divide between sweets and savory.

ETA: chocolate too. And grape, in wine form. I’m wondering now what a chocolate tomato carrot cake would be like. Not curious enough to actually bake one, but curious.


OMG. I need vanilla ice cream stat.


We made cantucci, now we need to buy some vin Santo


Apple crisp, with cinnamon and cardamom:


I dropped this jar full of cookies and thought: Oh good, the jar didn’t break.

An hour or so later, I opened it and thought: Whoops!

On the plus side, though: Cookies!


Better crumbs of cookie than crumbs of glass!
One day at food school I bit into a roll and found crumbs of glass. An idiot in the baking class had overloaded the dough divider and the cover burst. The instructor was an even greater idiot and allowed them to use the dough “once they removed all of the glass”. My comment to the administration was “good thing I wasn’t a diner in the restaurants, or you would have been sued out of existence.” Their response was to tell me that the instructor was retiring at the end of the class, so verything should be fine. Luckily, it was safety glass, so no sharp shards.