Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

you mean like Bragg’s?

i have used this with some dishes, specifically for some vegan folk in my life (my lovely aunt, who still visits me here). while it does bring some umami, it does not tickle that specific taste of mine for the fermented fishiness of worcestershire or vietnamese fish sauce. i do realize that is on me and my own tastes. i think you all know that i am a fish eater - i love fish… i love to look at fish, i love to fish for fish, i love catch fish, i love to cook fish… and i love to eat fish!


I haven’t used Braggs but I’ve used Maggi seasoning sauce, which is probably similar. I found a Korean anchovy sauce that I often sub for either anchovy paste or fish sauce. I’ll snap a pic of the bottle when I go downstairs. It isn’t as salty as fish sauce but packs that umami punch.

(Don’t even think about it, @zfirphdn!) :wink:


This is the brand I’ve used, but I know Annie’s makes one as well. Bragg’s is a lot thinner; these are more like actual Worcestershire sauce:



Spaghetti pie, roast brussel sprouts.


I had nice chunks of black cod in the freezer and needed to do something with them.

OK, put all the SE Asian ingredients into the Instant Pot and go for it!

Ginger, garlic, fish sauce, black pepper, onion, Malaysian soy sauce, sesame oil, lemon zest, lemon slices, fish, and chicken stock to round out the moisture for pressure cooking. 5 minutes on pressure cook, add brown rice noodles, go for 3 more minutes to cook the noodles. Topped with lemon zest and cilantro.

This turned out way better than I had any right to expect. Definitely needs to be a repeat.


Fondant daikon (pictured with reverse-seared NY Strip steak):

From this recipe:

The daikon is savory and mild, with just a hint of it’s usual bitterness at the end. I could probably have braised it longer to clear that out.


(Those are carrot sticks from a Happy Meal.)


Are those frozen carrots?


No. You can get them instead of fries and they come raw in a little bag.


Before covid we would hit the Friday fish fry church circuit. The last one was 2019 at my grandma’s 130 year old church, the basement dining room hasn’t changed since the 70s.

We don’t do that anymore.

Last Friday we made baked cod and salt crusted baked potatoes.

This Friday we did a church style fish fry with frozen fish in the air fryer, fries, and cheap dinner rolls with pudding for dessert.

Next Friday it’s macaroni and cheese with some sort of fish.


yay fish! yay air fryers!!
we’re doing air fryer chips right now! big, fat Idaho steak fries.
dip 'em in ketchup that has a bit of scorpion pepper sauce mixed in for that kick-in-yo-face extra.


We make potato wedges all the time, season them with anything we have on hand.

I got a commercial wall mounted fry cutter left over from out outdoor fryer days, I keep meaning to dust it off for air fryer use.

Something like this. As I was googling this photo I just realized there’s a wedge attachment.



We had one of those growing up, except it was horizontal, like a sled. Man, it made great fries!


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The lazy woman’s beet borscht. I was willing to chop an onion today, but that’s about it :slightly_smiling_face:

Is it as good as your borscht painstakingly made from fresh ingredients? Probably not. Am I enjoying it anyway? You bet I am! It’s a cloudy, chilly day in Minneapolis. Lazy beet borscht and a slice of buttered store-bought whole-wheat bread hits the spot :slight_smile:

If you make beet borscht, what herbs/spices do you use? I used salt and pepper, ground cumin, and a small pinch of cayenne powder.

Can’t wait to have it again for supper!


That looks great! Even if you took some shortcuts to save yourself time and/or effort as long as you enjoy it then who cares? Reminds me of the leek and potato soup i made a couple of months ago, i didn’t even bother to cream the soup at the end in a blender because i didn’t want to use said blender and clean it up. The chunky potato soup was still pretty amazing :slight_smile:


I’m making spaghetti sauce and was browning meat and onions, and had just added mushrooms, when suddenly I smelled chili powder. I thought “what did I do?” And then I remembered I made myself a cup of coffee and put chili powder in it (don’t judge me).


Awkward On Purpose GIF by Elisa Donovan


Yes. Turmeric, too.


is chili/turmeric coffee a cleanse thing? i kinda like the idea of a spicy Cuban cafecito.
do tell, i am intrigued.