Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

Breakfast for dinner. Sausages, rashers, black and white pudding, mushrooms, tomatoes, beans, eggs and soda bread. All washed down with coffee.


Pop Tv Alexis Rose GIF by Schitt's Creek


I like mine and use it fairly frequently. Itā€™s great at stuff you donā€™t want to think about for a while, and donā€™t want to burn once itā€™s done. One friend makes yougurt in hers once a week. I make big batches of applesauce to freeze in small containers. If you like pulses, such as beans of any sort, itā€™s good at cooking them without a presoak in a reasonable amount of time. I have a 6qt with the air-fryer lid, Iā€™m not impressed with that. I buy mine used from Craigslist, always under 60$, but I take what model I can find. Iā€™ve had a few die on me-one caught fire underneath, one just stopped sealing well enough to hold pressure. You do have to keep in mind that it does take time to build up pressure and to drop that pressure after cooking, so some stuff it doesnā€™t save any time on. I know people who swear by both polenta and risotto in the IP but Iā€™ve had mixed results.


Concur with all that. And I love the ā€œrefried beansā€ recipe that came in the recipe book with our model.
I also like that it replaced our crock pot and pressure cooker, weā€™ve even used it for canning.
In our plans for a ā€œmicro kitchenā€ if/when we downsize, our thoughts are weā€™d have an instant pot, an induction burner or two, and a toaster oven. Those and a solar oven to toss in the yard and Bobā€™s your uncle!


Snl Season 47 GIF by Saturday Night Live

Awesome! thanks for sharing your instapot experiences! And @ClutchLinkey! will think about one for next X-mas mayhaps!


Iā€™m definitely doing the corned beef, cabbage, carrots, and potatoes thing. I may make bread, but it wonā€™t be soda bread.


Oh! I should have got carrots to add to mine! Oh well!


I have to run to the store in the morning and buy cabbage. I forgot lol.


I had to pick up buttermilk today and totally forgot carrotsā€¦


We discussed picking up shamrock shakes, but no other nods to St. Pat.
I made chicken Marsala, and a polenta adjacent roast cauliflower dish, with mushrooms and hazelnuts, largely because we had chicken, cauliflower and cream that needed using, and we were out of cornmeal with which to make actual polenta.


Mary Berry GIF by ABC Network


Quiche, from leftover pie crust dough.

Smoked gouda, cheddar and onion


Started the corned beef before lunch. Iā€™m cooking an uncured brisket (no nitrites) due to a family sensitivity.

Seared the brisket on the pellet grill:

Sauteed onions and garlic in the Instant Pot, added the corning spices, beef broth, and pFriem Czech dark lager and let that reduce while the brisket was on the grill.

Combined and ready to slow cook topped off with more broth:

This is a radical departure from my usual and Iā€™m excited to see how it goes!


I just dumped all my stuff in the crockpots, cranked up the heat and let them goā€¦ cause Iā€™m lazy! I do like the idea of the sauce reduction with the beer! maybe Iā€™ll try that some other time.


mum and i really showed our ā€œIrishā€ today.
made slow cooked, pulled pork carnitas and had lovely tacos! sooo good with a cold Modelo.
sorry, no pics. they were no sooner plated that they were inhaled, muy presto, y con gusto!

yeah, weā€™re traditional like that. :grin:


Thatā€™s ok. The corned beef and cabbage we eat on St. Patrickā€™s Day is very much an American tradition, not an Irish one. I say eat what you want!

ETA: And while tacos isnā€™t traditional in Ireland on St. Patrickā€™s Day, pork absolutely is. So you might be arguably closer to a traditional St. Patrickā€™s Day meal than the rest of us.


Ok, it wasnā€™t very different from simple slow-cooker corned beef. A little richee with the stock and beer. The consistency was slightly better. Less stringy and the slices held together better while still being tender. Not much flavor difference. :man_shrugging:


Chopped shrimp, veggies, ginger, garlic, soy sauce and sesame oil, steamed in cabbage.


Garlic chicken without garlic? Critics think Amazon recipe book was cooked up by AI


ā€œ Last year, Amazon gave ā€œauthorsā€ who crank out books a license to ā€œwriteā€ and publish only up to three books every day via its platform, even if they use AI, and claimed that this limitprotects customers.ā€

Yeah. This has been a problem for years on Amazon: Markov chain books seeded with failed searches extracted from Amazonā€™s API and thousands a month, print on demand, from these authors. They started proliferating when Amazon stopped advertising books made from ā€œquality wiki contentā€.