Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

@BakaNeko If you really love peanut butter you can also make your own, are peanuts themselves expensive where you’re at? If you have a food processor or a powerful blender you can make it from scratch. Same with other nut butters.


No. Peanuts are cheap as peanuts. We usualy eat It roasted with salt as snacks or grounded and smashed with sugar.

Thanks for the tips and recipes.

ETA some of the recipes of your link seems Very yummy!


i learned a recipe from a southeast Asian woman for a chicken-and-egg curry that uses peanut butter in the base. i will look for the specifics, but it is generally a recipe that i riff on, adding whatever i have on hand, but the basics are onions, garlic, potatoes, carrots, peanut butter, curry powder, coconut milk, chicken thighs and boiled eggs… all stewed together and served over rice. really a favorite whenever i make it for a get together.


Thanks @Grey_Devil and @FloridaManJefe @BakerB

So, the next saturday lunch was sorted.



Ants on a log!!!

Fill the groove in a celery stick with PB and then line up raisins. Tasty and nutritious kids’ snack!

(Can also use fresh fruit, chocolate chips, etc.)



Also, very good with apple slices. Again, a nutritious and easy snack.


Or with granola:


Or raisins and chopped nuts:



Second @chgoliz for the ants on a log. Very easy to put together. PB is also great with bananas and apples.

Peanut sauces are great. So many recipes online and great with lots of stuff. Spring rolls, broccoli stir fry, chicken.

If you scored a lot of it, you could freeze some. Maybe in portions of a few ounces so you can use a bit at a time.


Yeah, use an extra ice cube tray to freeze it in small portions.


I’d go with dollops on wax paper in the freezer for maybe 4 hours and then put into a freezer container. Long enough to freeze/seal the outside so they don’t stick to one another too much
Not sure something so sticky would come out of an ice cube tray!


Oh, right, good point! I use silicone ones, so not such an issue. Plastic ones, definitely would need a wipe or spray of oil first. But you’re right, dollops would work so much better!


I just eat peanut butter straight out of the jar with a spoon, lol.


Could be worse… or better?

peanut butter autonomy GIF by For Everest


I’ll get a spoonful at night if I’m hungry. The protein is filling and keeps me from diving into a bag of potato chips.


What’s the worst that could happen?


Yeah, one of my fave snacks is apples and peanut butter… and we get the fresh ground stuff at the farmers market… tasty and nutritious!

Peanut Butter Food Photography GIF by Little Rusted Ladle


Now you’ve gone and done it! :wink:

I thought I would take a walk after supper, but…

Rain. So cookies it is.

Should I feel shame at using a mix? But hey, it’s Betty Crocker, owned by General Mills, which is headquartered in Minneapolis—I’m buying local! Not only that, but I bought it at Target, another Minneapolis-based business—again, I’m buying local! …Ehhh…yeah, right…

I never would have touched such a mix before, but I have a friend who asks me for help with $ and food. Sometimes she asks if I have anything in my pantry that I could give her. I’ve learned that she doesn’t want my tinned sardines, nor canned tomato sauce or basic ingredients for scratch cooking. What she hopes for is easy mixes, or cash to buy ready-to-eat prepared food. So I made an effort to buy some things that I thought she might like, and discovered that the Betty Crocker cookie mixes are big winners with her. Well, of course I had to try them myself first, since I wouldn’t want to give her something that I didn’t think was good enough to give someone. And I found they’re not bad. So for chocolate chip or PB cookies, I’ll now use Betty’s mixes. For other cookies I use family recipes.

One thing, though—just as I dumped the mix into the bowl tonight, the emergency sirens went off ! :thinking: Should I take that as a sign? [It was an annual test of the sirens, because we’re coming into tornado season here.]


Nope. I prefer to bake from scratch, but sometimes I use a mix. Or sometimes I start with a mix and doctor it up. It’s all good, as far as I’m concerned. It’s not like you’re growing the wheat and milling it into flour, so you’re taking advantage of modern manufactured ingredients whether you use a mix or not.


This guy goes so far as to grow the wheat, etc. etc.
Not a bad story, but more than a little bit smug.


One of my go to meals is peanut noodles. Start boiling wide rice noodles, or any other kind. Add two heaping tablespoons of peanut butter to a large bowl. Add two tablespoons soy sauce, two tablespoons vinegar (balsamic works well, rice is fine), one tablespoon of sesame oil. If you have sesame seeds on hand, throw some. Add strained hot noodles when done, mix and serve.
Adaptable, you can add left over cooked veggies, tofu or such. I add hot sauce if it’s just for me. I can make this in the time it takes to boil the noodles, so it’s pretty convenient

Peanut tofu is also delicious, I don’t have a go to recipe, but ones where you get it crispy are the best.