Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

Not a food nor drink but tangentially related. I haven’t been fully satisfied with my mug that i use at work, i like the large size of it but it’s a free insurance branded mug i got ages ago from a job i got fired from. And while i generally like the mug there’s a small part of me that just doesn’t love it. I’m all into getting things that actively bring me joy so i went to my fave local bakery and got a mug from them that i really liked. It’s not as large of a mug as i’d like but i do think it’s cute as hell and i enjoy that it comes with a lid/base.

Also this is from the bakery, i was so tempted to get this a few weeks ago




Had some friends for dinner and made dégonfler for dessert. (My soufflés did not soufflé). Still, served with a berry coulis they were eaten All Up, so I have no pictures. Did a stuffed, rolled beef tenderloin with spuds roasted in schmaltz and a big salad with roasted beets and goat cheese. I was going to make a Wellington, remembered one of the guests is gluten free and decided I didn’t need to make GF puff pastry this week.
Some deviled quail eggs and a shrimp and salmon dip served on leaves of endive were appetizers.


I have heard the axiom that you should always say “I’m making eggs”, and then if the souffle happens, you made souffle. But otherwise you’ve made a perfectly cromulent egg dish. The very fruity upside down blackberry cake I made recently did not transfer perfectly out of the pan, but even if it had come out I chunks, it would have been perfectly acceptable as blackberry cobbler.

ETA: “Eggs Cromulence”, if the dish needs a name.


Sorry I’m so late with the peanut butter recommendation, I fell way behind on this thread. If you still have a cup of it left and want something very unhealthy and sweet and delicious, I grew up eating these bars on holidays and special occasions:

1 cup white karo syrup
1 cup sugar
1 cup peanut butter
4 cups Special K cereal (or Rice Crispies, but I prefer the texture with Special K, basically it needs to be a puffed-rice type cereal, definitely don’t use corn flakes)
6 ounces chocolate chips (I prefer dark or semisweet for this, but milk chocolate is good too)
6 ounces butterscotch chips

Bring karo syrup and sugar to a boil in a saucepan. Remove from heat. Add peanut butter and Special K and mix together. Press into a greased baking pan or cookie sheet.

Melt chocolate and butterscotch chips in a double boiler or microwave, stir, and spread out on top of the cereal/peanut butter/sugar base. Let it cool down and set, then slice into little squares and serve.

They are gooey and a little crispy and over-the-top sweet, but in a great way.


For non-USA people here, Karo syrup is corn syrup. There are both light and dark versions. Other thick liquid-sugar syrups can work if you can’t find Karo, but taste might be altered.


Right, thanks!


Sugar Synday!
Coffee and doughnuts before pea and bean shucking.


What big pea- ness you have!


(Source: Iron Chef)


Sounds delicious! And fancy.
I especially want those appetizers and the beet salad. I bet they were picturesque.


More Pea-ness today. Looking for passed stones.


Wow, a sailboat! :wink:

(Reference…probably not needed, but just in case)


On second thoughts, I will NOT be joining you for dinner


Leftover @MaiqTheLiar mac & cheese (maiq and cheese) reheated in the air fryer. Best mac & cheese ever. No lie.


Almost thought this was like a mac n cheese pie, which honestly. Not a bad idea


It kind of turned out that way, but I don’t know if that’s how it should turn out. I forgot that my oven is way under temp when it is set as low as 350, and didn’t raise it until it had been in there for about 40-45 minutes. It developed quite a bottom crust, which might have been caused by the brief (re)preheat at that point. Then it baked longer than intended to get the breadcrumbs to brown up a bit, so it may have just ended up drier than it should have been.

But it is still so good. I don’t know if I can make it again unless there are a lot of other people around to eat it. I’m not a fan of cloves, but since they are strained out there’s just sort of a hint of clove melding with the cheddar. Just tasty. And I like the firm/crunchy texture. There’s still plenty of fat in it, so it doesn’t seem dry.


I think it’d be more inclined to use rosemary and/or sage on top instead of clove, but if it tastes good that’s what matters.


Oh no, the clove is toasted with black pepper and bay, then cooked in the roux and white sauce. Then the sauce is strained before adding to the cheddar chunks and cooked pasta, so there aren’t actual pieces of clove (or bay leaf) in there.The topping is just bread crumbs and butter.