Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

They do eat the occasional wurstel, but if they’re grilling, they’re more likely to do a sausage, and what goes with it will vary a lot.

I like the way the Italians split them then grill the inside, but that’s because where I lived, they were destined to go inside a flatbread (piadina) usually.


No Currywurst for Germany?


I’m surprised to not see Icelandic hot dogs on the chart.


Maybe because currywurst does not come in a bun? Therefore, not a hot dog. Or a sandwich. That and the fact that they are usually served chopped or sliced and eaten with a utensil instead of in one’s hand.

Man, all this talk of currywurst is making me crave one.

Edit: looking closer at the chart, I see that Peru has an entry here that resembles a currywurst. So, I take it all back. Except the part about craving a currywurst.


Ok, buckle up because here’s my mom’s “recipe”. Mind you, the answer on the amounts will always be “to taste” so it’d take some tweaking to get it to where you like. In your case since you’ve never had it then it can be a good thing since you have no point of reference so you don’t have the pressure of trying to approximate exactly how she makes it.

Picante Casero:

  • 6 habanero peppers with seeds. Peppers can be subbed for other types, if they are less spicy then add more of them, for reference forote (aka rocoto/locoto peppers) are less spicy so if you want to make it with the exact pepper then you’ll need more. How much more? She didn’t say.
  • Get a pot you’ll boil the peppers in. The measurement will be one and a half times the amount of water that would fill a large empty glass jar you want to use for the hot sauce.
  • Boil/simmer on medium high all of the peppers for roughly 20-30 minutes uncovered. This was a guesstimation on my mom’s part, her words were “until they have softened enough”, some of the water will evaporate and that’s fine that’s why we added the extra half of water. Once it is done you can blend the peppers with the water.
  • The following ingredients/seasonings/spices/herbs will all be to taste, and the specific preparation is up to you: Salt, cumin (approx a teaspoon or a cucharadita as she says), oregano, cilantro, finely diced garlic or garlic paste, onion finely diced or blended into a paste (amount is approximately a small onion), vinegar to taste, and optionally you can use olive oil or another good quality oil but you’ll use a drizzle but these days my mom skips it.
  • In the event that a hot sauce is too hot you can add whatever amount of milk that would be sufficient to tame the level of heat. In the instance that you do this the milk will thin out the overall flavor so you’ll also need to add in extra of the previous ingredients listed. If you’re adding in milk from the get-go then taste as you go to make sure it’s all working together.

That’s it. Even with the milk it’ll keep in the fridge indefinitely. I recall having a jar of the stuff with and without the milk in the fridge for over a year and it kept fine. The magic is making sure you have enough vinegar obviously. End result will likely yield more than the jar so make sure you have additional jars, my mom usually keeps a giant container and then will also fill up a smaller one that is less of a hassle to get out of the fridge when you want to use it for food.

P.S: Certain things can be taken out. Lately my mom’s been making it without the cilantro and oregano, though i prefer it with it. And while she doesn’t blend all of the ingredients together with the peppers you can, that’s up to your preference.

PPS: If anyone makes this let me know :slight_smile: Hope it turns out good!


I’ve seen that on some Italian hot dogs in New Jersey, but usually they’re just whole. The difference with New Jersey Italian hot dogs is that the hot dog is fried. I’m not really a fan, but some people swear by it. They also load it up with peppers, onions, and potatoes, so it’s a meal on a bun.


That is definitely serious food, also not convinced about frying.


If it gives the skin a bit of cracklin’ texture it might be pretty nice. I haven’t tried it either but could see the upside.


so awesome. muchas gracias! thank you so much!
when i start getting bunches of peppers, i will be making this!
thank you, thanks to your mum. i really appreciate you going to the effort to share this recipe. it will be tested out and probably become a new entry into the Florida Man on Fire™ private line of hot salsas y salsitas, which include my standards: habanero, habanero-mango, red chile garlic and red/green chile blend.


It hasn’t stopped raining here for long enough that cooking outside is feasible. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Vegan nabe. Basically old veggies in the fridge (napa cabbage, 2 kinds of mushrooms, large scallions) simmered in a broth of miso and gochujang with firm tofu.

As a side dish for the week.


Where do you suppose I went on my walk today, and what do you suppose I bought there? What do you suppose I cooked before I left for my walk? And what do you suppose I’m eating right now?

(I finally realized that it’s smart to cook the chocolate syrup before I go out to buy the ice cream, so the syrup gets a head start cooling off :slight_smile: )


Salmon’s on the menu for tomorrow.


Today has been like that, yesterday we got lucky.


Forgot to take a photo of the end product, olive oil, sliced garlic, salt, parsley.


Mom was thinner than her parents thought she should be, so kept pushing her to eat. Likely as a consequence, she limited food options and, reportedly, spent most of her childhood eating only tunafish sandwiches. So it wasn’t so much that it was Old Country food, it was that of all the things that aren’t tunafish sandwiches, chicken feet are perhaps especially not tunafish sandwiches.


I’ve got a batch of this (minus the garlic confit) fermenting in the oven with the light on right now; I’m looking forward to baking it soon!


Fresh mango and quick strawberry preserves.


Does anybody have any recommendations for cleanly getting bread out of a loaf pan? I keep thinking I grease it well, but about half the time it still sticks.