Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

Parchment paper. It’s been a game changer for me.

ETA: And it’s useful for more than just baking bread. I now cook my bacon in the oven by laying down a sheet of parchment paper on a sheet pan, and then laying the bacon out on that. The paper absorbs a lot of the grease, so you’re bacon isn’t swimming in it, and it makes clean up a lot less messy.


:person_facepalming: I use it for cookies no idea why it didn’t occur to me using it for this.

Does it make the loaf weird on the edges from the rise with the paper there? Is there a trick to make sure it doesn’t?

ETA: Got lucky this time, it didn’t stick, thought it was going to but then it came out. I’m glad it worked, this is the first time I’ve made a sandwich loaf without using the bread machine. Still haven’t tried it, letting it cool for the next couple of hours.

My journey for making these loaves: Bread Machine → Bread Machine, but removing the paddle before baking → Bread machine on dough + cook in oven → Stand mixer + cook in oven.

I like having the temperature control with the machine, but I think it’s starting to be on it’s last legs and I really don’t want to splurge on another.


I used to cut the corners and try to fit the paper in cleanly, but I started just making sure the long sides of the loaf pan and the bottom are covered with the paper, and just grease the ends. Then I don’t get weird folds in the corners, and it still doesn’t stick. Alternatively, you can cut the corners out and try to fold the paper neatly. Or, you can crumple the paper up, and then uncrumple it, making sure not to tear it, and it will be a lot easier to form into corners. That works better in like a pie tin or square pan, though, than a loaf pan.


Oh…another thing I do is to spray cooking spray on the loaf pan or sheet pan I’m using first, and then put the parchment paper in. It helps the paper stay put and actually form into the edges.


I used to order a pizza then put it in the freezer for 30 so it tasted like leftover pizza.

I found that the cheaper cheese pizzas were done such the cheese congeals a bit, giving a slightly different texture and taste. (Possibly because instead of the cheese nearly sliding off and being all drippy it’d get slightly firm and trap the tomato sauce in?)


I second @danimagoo ’s suggestion for parchment paper. I’ve tried doing neat folds, but mostly I just mash it flat against the sides of the pan. The crumple and unfold method works too.

I have some silicone loaf pan liners that I haven’t tried yet. When I do finally give them a go, I’ll report back, if I remember lol.


I’m really not a fan of silicone. I can never seem to get it clean.


Good point, which is why I still haven’t used them lol and just reach for the parchment paper. I divide my silicone tools (Silpat mats, spatulas, pan liners…) into 2 groups—for baking and for cooking—and never the twain shall meet.


You can pry my silicone spatulas out of my cold dead hands. The baking sheet I’m probably never going to use again. I only ever the spatulas on cold things, so it hasn’t really been a problem.


One hand spatulas the other

   — Seneca the Younger, probably


Ok, I have been informed we are having pizza for dinner. No Oklahoma onion burger for me today.


Disappointed Kevin Sorbo GIF


This is a very, very good recipe.


I made these potatoes Yotam Ottolenghi’s miso recipes | Food | The Guardian

but without the eggs (tho I’ve made them with the eggs before & it’s great), along with some belly pork and a pea shoot salad.
No pics, cos we ate it all, but I would recommend it to anyone. If I’d gone out and paid actual money to eat it somewhere, I’d have been happy.


My kids’ high school used to do fund raisers where you could get unlimited cheap pizza for $5. We’d buy as many as could fit in the freezer; I think 8 was the most. Nothing better than cheap pepperoni pizza frozen, thawed, and (optionally) reheated.

My preference for pizza is either piping hot right out of the oven, or cold. Pizza was a rare treat when I was a kid; most often it was the leftover slices from mom & dad’s late night snack. Good Saturday morning cartoons, flat coke, and leftover slices from the fridge are some of my earliest memories.

I will switch my loyalties to the first pizza joint that sells day old slices.


Scrunch it up first; then it’ll stay in position a lot better. Once the bread rises past the rim, it’s gonna do what it’s gonna do and the parchment will bend in response.

ETA: to @danimagoo and @Wayward, drinks on me!

Drunk Happy Hour GIF by Joel James


Crucially, you don’t use hot dogs in a currywurst. And if you open the field to other sausages in buns, Germany should be represented with bratwurst rather than currywurst.


Them’s fighting words, my good man.


Looks like the Streuselkuchen my grandmother on my father’s side used to make.


Bring it! That is a hill I will die on.