Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

Anyone have experience with baby artichokes? I know I’m supposed to trim off the outer leaves, but that creates so much leftover artichoke! What can be done with the leftover leaves?


Honestly, compost is the best thing to do with them. They’re very stringy.


Freeze and include with celery cores and onion tops in stock?

We usually have a bag of various stuff like that in the freezer to pull out when making turkey or chicken soup from scratch.


Stock is one option, cooking them in broth until soft, then pushing them through a sieve will remove the fibrous stuff, and a bit of garlic, parsley and olive oil, and you have a nice dip (you do need a decent amount of waste to make it worth the effort). Lots of people use the stalks too, just peel em like a carrot, and if you want more substance, add a potato.


The stalks are delicious :yum:


I’m not generally a big fan of Babish, but this new series he’s doing on all the ways you can screw up a dish seem really informative and helpful so far.


Babish is on my shit list, and maybe i’m being petty. It came to light in the last few months that he’s had some massive struggles with mental health and has been putting in the work to have a healthier work environment and schedule. I’m really sympathetic to that and i was a big fan.

However, he and his team had a paid sponsorship for the Harry Potter video game at the start of the year. I was annoyed but hopeful they would step in and give some kind of statement in support for trans and the LBQT+ community, nope never happened but still not a huge issue. But in their YT videos and Reddit page the issue was never addressed and the hateful vile comments against Trans folk was left relatively alone, while pro-trans comments were often moderated and deleted. Since then i’ve made the decision to never ever watch his stuff, and that’s probably too strong of a stance to take but i was really disappointed in the whole thing and still disappointed that the whole fiasco was never addressed.

Would i hate on anyone that still wants to watch his stuff and enjoy his videos? Absolutely not, but i wanted to speak my mind on it. Hope you don’t mind my post!


I do not mind. As I said, I’ve never been a big fan myself. I didn’t have any particular reason, it just wasn’t my cup of tea. I was unaware of the Harry Potter stuff. That is disturbing. Sadly, most YouTube content creators end up having at least one sponsor at some point who is problematic. I remember Tom Scott making a video a few years ago just trashing all the VPNs and explaining how they’re mostly unnecessary and don’t do what they claim to do, and that he would never take a sponsorship from one. Fast forward a couple of years and he was taking VPN sponsorships. I think they just can’t bring themselves to say no to the money at a certain point.


I often see problematic sponsorships, it annoys me and i wish they would do better but also understand that the money is probably too good to pass up on. Not a deal breaker for ne, just something i notice and groan at as i’m sure we all do. But yeah, letting people attack trans folks in the Babish community and being almost entirely hands off about the whole thing really bummed me out. Knowing he struggled with his mental health really made me feel for him, but i just can’t bring myself to watch his stuff… some day? I don’t know :man_shrugging:


Thanks for bringing it to my attention. It is a big deal. I’m trans. This is certainly important to me too.


Glad you didn’t see/read that shit, i was livid for a while over the whole thing


Yeah, on my shit list now too. I know a YouTuber can’t control the entire community but it sounds like there was some moderation in the absolute wrong direction and nothing condemning the hate :confused:


True Detective Hbo GIF by True Detective: Night Country


It was interesting for his take on Mac and cheese parameters, but I disagreed with some of his conclusions. Pasta with just cheese, without a bechamel is not the entity known as Mac and Cheese, but, can still be wonderful. Spaghetti pie, baked spaghetti, cheese and eggs (similar to Greek makaronopita) is also not Mac and cheese, but it’s tasty. And messing up food and finding it’s actually good is a culinary tradition: 20 Foods and Drinks That Were Invented by Mistake Gallery


Not the greatest picture but i made some loaded baked potatoes. The potatoes are on the smaller side so i served myself two. It’s mostly vegan with exception of the cheese, though i did get vegan cheese for my SO but turned out great. Particularly happy with how i prepared the vegan “ground meat”.


I wanted to try hop water. It’s non-alcoholic fizzy stuff flavored with hops. But the brand my spouse brought home, Hop Wtr, has added nootropics, maca powder, and Ashwagandha root powder. I know from experience I’m sensitive to l-theanine in supplement form, it is often added to melatonin. Messes with my mood. I was a bit pissed this company made a drink without alcohol and then added mind-altering supplements to it. While there probably isn’t enough in even a dozen, there is evidence Ashwagandha is one of the supplements causing liver damage.

Tried the St. Arnold’s hop water tonight and it hit a lot of the same notes as a beer. Fizzy, cold, hoppy. No supplements. Very light and aromatic. Nice bitterness. Not beery but nice.


Many of the booze alternatives seem to think it’s necessary to try and mimic the state of drunkenness, just like many of the upscale carbonated beverages now add probiotics, or CBD, or other crap. Since the reason I don’t drink is partly due to not wanting to feel drunk-none of these appeal at all.


Exactly. If I wanted a buzz, I would drink two beers.

Plus, with the nootropics and herbs, a lot of people don’t know what those are. Ashwaganha and maca root may not be a good idea for a lot of people. The first can mimic testosterone and the latter estrogen. Maca is thought to raise serotonin levels and two other ingredients, l-theanine and 5-HTP are the same. They put three serotonin raising compounds in the same drink. That could be very dangerous for someone on a high dose of SSRI. Serotonin syndrome is dangerous. The package doesn’t even disclose the amount per serving.


Damn - I was going to recommend my favorite hop water but you got me thinking about whether it was the same, and yes, it has added l-theanine. I’m not sensitive to it, but thb the whole “functional food” movement gets up my nose, especially when what I really want is something beer-esque, without any buzz.