Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

Big hike today, and along the trail there were loads of huckleberries. I didn’t have a great container for them, but I did grab as many as I could and put them into the zippered bag my emergency raincoat came in.

There were mostly black huckleberries but some reds.


season 9 GIF



I have never seen huckleberries before, so thank you so very much!


Lt. Gov. Gilchrist also said he was going to eat some pasties, which he takes straight.

Just like a politician to avoid the entire ketchup vs gravy controversy.


Ketchup is the work of the devil. It’s just tomatoes and sugar. Yuck.


And vinegar!



I love most vinegars, just not with sugar and tomatoes, tho.
the horror Sheldon


Well, if you have any extra send it my way! Someone up here was selling pasty sauce for a while, that was basically just ketchup + hot sauce. If the missing ingredient is a little spice, it’s something to consider trying. Or maybe mushroom ketchup! I think that came up sort or recently up-thread somewhere. I bet it would be a great pasty sauce.

ETA: Or HP! thanks @Immutable_Mike, I would try that :100:


I prefer having a great big blop of butter on a pasty. I even remember seeing serving directions: “Cut two 2 in-long slices, length- and widthwise at the center of pasty, and top with butter,” and a plus sign-looking affair for the illustration on store bought ones. Think they were Michigan-made.

Mom was furious when I brought home a bottle of reliable name brand ketchup + Sriracha, even upon learning it was on sale & had cost all of $1.

She loved ketchup.

She loved hot peppers. I was in 3rd grade when she grew them, & they were put in absolutely everything. She evidently didn’t want to waste a single one, despite the plants’ profuse production. She paid no heed when I protested my breakfast eggs’ burning up my mouth, and didn’t finally relent until a couple months later when I began picking pieces of them out of my salad, asking whether she didn’t agree that it was excessive.

She wound up doing an exceptionally thorough job of putting me off hot peppers for decades. I eventually got over it and adore Scotch Bonnet, of all things! and Sriracha, of course. Both have rich flavors, well beyond the heat. The tiniest hint of either in a dish adds more yumminess than expected.

I gave her a little of that ketchup once, in a smol pile on her plate next to the reg’lar stuff, and she was very angry. Dunno if she ever even tasted it; knew better than to inquire.

My BF loved it, and even I found it tolerable, so it did get et.


That’s good, a close second to this:


I’m with you. I’ll make my own tomato sauce if I’m going to do that kind of thing, but for most foods that ketchup is used on, I’ll take mustard or mayo, thanks.

I also take pasties straight or with hoisin sauce if I’m at home.


I have the same annoyance at bottled tea and juices and snacks that sneak the various sugar substitutes. “Even the very wise can not see all ends”, so don’t pretend you know it’s harmless…


Ketchup is also not a condiment i like to put on my food, but as far as cooking it’s a pretty decent ingredient. I’ll sometimes chuck it into a stir fry to get some additional umami and have the sugar in it to round out the overall taste. Last time i used some was yesterday for some vegan ground “meat”, along with some spices and garlic. Can’t really pick up on the ketchup flavor if incorporated well.

Also as a desperate college student i made a fairly passable pasta sauce entirely out of ketchup and the secret is simmering it with spices and finely diced onion and garlic. Gotta do what you can when you’re broke.


The brown sauces above are better for that I think.

Though they also have too much sugar for me (as does American mustard which lacks enough mustard to be much different to ketchup).

You can make your own ketchup and slow cooking onions and tomatoes is already sweet enough. Always. If you cook them at a low temperature for a decent time. Long simmered tomatoes without skin or seeds are just an extraordinary thing. Someone once ruined my sauce by adding some sugary condiment into it during a multiple hours cook.

I don’t care if your nonna put sugar in all her sauces. I hate it.


Define American mustard please? The yellow French’s lacks mustard but has no sugar. So now I’m really curious what is considered an American mustard in Ireland


I assume it was a copy of French’s. I don’t know if I’ve had real French’s. It tastes more or less like ketchup with turmeric in it.

Rotten stuff and unrelated to mustard.


Well, that sounds awful! Real French’s yellow has no sugar. Just mustard seed, vinegar, tumeric, paprika, garlic powder and “spices.” French’s yellow is about the most “American” mustard I can think of. Lots of versions from other brands, but French’s Yellow is like Kleenex here. It may not be from McCormick but it’s still that very bright yellow vinegar mustard.
All the other common mustards I’ve seen/eaten are based on recipes from France, Germany, or the UK.

Lots of things in the US have waaaay too much sugar, including most brands of ketchup. But usually not mustard to my knowledge. I thought maybe you were talking about honey-mustard. Which is not, to my mind, a mustard. It’s a dressing sometimes used as condiment and usually too sweet.

Someday I will visit Ireland and now I know to avoid American mustard :joy:

Edits. I’m two adult beverages in


This. :+1:

GIF by Outsiders

While I rarely use it as a condiment, I use yellow mustard as an ingredient far more often than the zero times I use ketchup. It is necessary for Carolina barbecue and is a go-to binder for brisket rubs. Cubano sandwiches.

Ok, now I’m hungry!


That style of mustard definitely has its place. At our house, usually as an ingredient in something else. With additional mustard seed.

Making our own ketchup sounds really interesting now. I tend to go for the Whataburger brand. A bit less sweet and more vinegar than something like Heinz. Tried a terrible ketchup at a restaurant recently. Extra sugar and mustard seed. They advertised the mustard, which is what made me ask for some. It was :nauseated_face: