Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

Strawberry life cycle.
Missing, what all y’all make with these wonderful little fruits.


When I was younger and had a stronger stomach, I made a mean strawberry habanero salsa.


Freezer jam! I think the betty crocker recipe is what I grew up eating:


strawberry habanero salsa
Holy boiling acid reflux, Batman! that sounds awesome! i can do the habs, but strawberries tear me up. still, i definitely would try that!


Lovely presentation.


You are welcome! Here is what they look like on the plant:


A lot of smoothies. The smoothies are responsible for most of my kid’s micronutrients and vitamins :joy: I make this nearly every day. I drink 12 ounces for breakfast and fridge another 12 for the kid to have at dinner. Sometimes kii-kitten will drink it all, sometimes just a bit. Averaging 6 ounces a day. It’s heavy on the berries and light on the yogurt

-Frozen strawberries
-Frozen mixed berries (blueberries, sweet cherries, raspberries, pomegranate seeds- not a berry but red)
-Yogurt of choice. I use stoneyfield full fat vanilla. A bit more sugar than I’d like but it makes the kid drink more than plain.
-Spoonful of peanut butter. The kind with only peanuts and salt
-Few dashes of cinnamon
-Teaspoon ground flaxseed

I’ve tried adding bits of other things like peas, spinach, and mango. The kid can always tell and drinks less. Not worth it.


"… The allspice tree, classified as an evergreen shrub, can reach 10–18 m (33–59 ft) in height.* Allspice can be a small, scrubby tree, quite similar to the bay laurel in size and form. It can also be a tall canopy tree, sometimes grown to provide shade for coffee trees planted underneath it. It can be grown outdoors in the tropics and subtropics with normal garden soil and watering. Smaller plants can be killed by frost; larger plants are more tolerant. It adapts well to container culture and can be kept as a houseplant or in a greenhouse.

Christopher Columbus became aware of allspice on his second New World voyage, and the plant soon became part of European diets.[10] At the time, it was found only on the island of Jamaica, where birds readily spread the seeds. To protect the pimenta trade, Jamaican growers guarded against export of the plant. Many attempts at growing the pimenta from seeds were reported, but all failed. Eventually, passage through the avian digestive tract, whether due to the acidity or the elevated temperature, was found to be essential for germinating the seeds,[11] and successful germination elsewhere was enabled. Today, pimenta grows in Tonga and in Hawaii, where it has become naturalized on Kauaʻi and Maui.[12] Jamaica remains the leading source of the plant, although some is grown by other countries in the same region.[10] …"

*Some shrub, 60 ft tall!


I entered it in a salsa contest at a strawberry festival once. It was fun. And funny. Habaneros have that delayed kick. Add in the strawberries, and when you first bite into a chip with this salsa on it, all you really get is sweet, acid, and strawberry flavor. And some smokiness from the habaneros. But the heat kicked in at a predictable 10 seconds after putting it in your mouth, so I started counting to 10 after people tried mine, and every time, their head whipped back around to look at my salsa on the count of 10. One woman called me evil.


Air Fryer Chicken Fajitas. Probably an abuelita in Mexico and another in Texas felt a great disturbance in the Fuerza…


I am victorious! The air fryer will arrive in a few days

It didn’t actually take much convincing. Just figuring out which will suit our house best and ordering it. But still. Victory is victory

Happy Star Trek GIF



giphy (19)


The Wizard of Speed and Time__The Judging


I did a double take when I saw the beer label - colour me intrigued!

Vitamin D deficiency is a major issue here, ironically exacerbated by public health messages to keep out of the sun or wear sunscreen to lower high levels of skin cancer, although I’ll use any excuse to try a new zero-ABV beer.


More cool but still unnamed tomato’s from Farmers Market today.


well… i went for it today and started this batch of apple/starfruit cider.

the final weigh-in of starfruit was 3.77kg, which yielded just over a liter of strained juice. combined with 3.7 liters raw apple juice with no preservatives and another 4 liters cold filtered water.
if i am reading the hydrometer correctly, my OG is at 1.060 and should finish around 5.5% ABV.
we shall see…
to be continued.


I literally did this last night.


Probably the last harvest of blackberries for the year for me. They are starting to get melty.

I now have two full gallon ziploc bags full of ripe berries. Mead or cobbler? How about both?